eAuditor Audits & Inspections

Plumbing Preventive Maintenance Checklist

Maintaining your plumbing system is crucial to prevent costly repairs and ensure everything runs smoothly. Here’s a comprehensive preventive maintenance checklist:

Plumbing Preventive Maintenance

  1. Regular Inspections:
    • Check faucets, toilets, showers, and pipes for leaks.
    • Look for signs of corrosion on exposed pipes.
    • Inspect water heater for signs of leaks or corrosion.
    • Check for water stains on walls and ceilings, indicating hidden leaks.
  2. Test Water Pressure:
    • Ensure water pressure is within the normal range (40-80 psi).
    • Use a pressure gauge to measure pressure at various faucets.
  3. Drain Maintenance:
    • Regularly remove hair, debris, and soap scum from drains to prevent clogs.
    • Use drain strainers to catch debris and prevent it from entering pipes.
    • Pour hot water down drains to help dissolve grease buildup.
  4. Inspect and Clean Gutters:
    • Clean gutters and downspouts to prevent water backups and potential leaks.
    • Ensure downspouts direct water away from the foundation of the house.
  5. Check for Toilet Leaks:
    • Add a few drops of food coloring to the toilet tank and check if color appears in the bowl without flushing, indicating a leak.
    • Test toilet flapper for proper sealing.
  6. Water Heater Maintenance:
    • Drain and flush the water heater annually to remove sediment buildup.
    • Check for signs of rust or corrosion on the tank.
    • Test the pressure relief valve to ensure it’s working properly.
  7. Inspect Washing Machine Hoses:
    • Check hoses for signs of wear, bulges, or leaks.
    • Replace rubber hoses with stainless steel braided hoses for added durability.
  8. Check Sump Pump:
    • Test sump pump by pouring water into the sump pit and ensuring it activates properly.
    • Clean sump pit of debris and ensure discharge pipe is clear.
  9. Inspect Water Softener:
    • Check salt levels and refill as needed.
    • Clean the brine tank and check for any salt bridges or buildup.
  10. Inspect Outdoor Plumbing:
    • Check outdoor faucets and hoses for leaks or damage.
    • Insulate outdoor pipes in cold weather to prevent freezing.
  11. Septic Tank Maintenance (if applicable):
    • Schedule regular inspections and pumpings as recommended by a professional.
    • Avoid flushing non-biodegradable items or chemicals into the system.
  12. Emergency Preparedness:
    • Know the location of shut-off valves for water, gas, and mainline in case of emergencies.
    • Keep emergency plumbing repair supplies on hand, such as plumber’s tape and pipe wrenches.

Plumbing Preventive MaintenanceBy following this plumbing preventive maintenance checklist, you can catch potential issues early and avoid costly repairs down the line, while also ensuring your plumbing system operates efficiently.

Plumbing Preventive Maintenance eAuditor Audits & Inspections for plumbing preventive maintenance inspections can streamline the process and ensure thoroughness. Here’s a basic outline of features of eAuditor Audits & Inspections:

  1. User Registration/Login:
  2. Dashboard:
    •  eAuditor Audits & Inspections provides a user-friendly dashboard where users can view upcoming inspections, past inspection reports, and maintenance reminders.
  3. Plumbing System Overview:
    •  eAuditor Audits & Inspections checklist can include a section where users can input details about their plumbing system, such as the number of bathrooms, types of fixtures, water heater information, etc.
  4. Checklist Builder:
  5. Scheduled Inspections:
  6. Guided Inspections:
    •  eAuditor Audits & Inspections provides step-by-step guidance for conducting inspections, including prompts for each checklist item with options to upload photos or videos for documentation.
  7. Reporting:
  8. Issue Tracking and Resolution:
  9. Data Backup and Storage:
    •  eAuditor Audits & Inspections ensures that inspection data is securely backed up and stored and provides options for users to export reports or share them with plumbers or maintenance professionals.
  10. Integration with Other Systems:
  11. Feedback and Support:
    •  eAuditor Audits & Inspections includes a feedback mechanism for users to provide input on the app’s usability and features and provides access to customer support for assistance with usage or troubleshooting.

By using eAuditor Audits & Inspections with these features, users can efficiently conduct plumbing preventive maintenance inspections, track issues, and ensure the longevity of their plumbing systems.



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