eAuditor Audits & Inspections

Display Screen Equipment DSE workstation checklist

Creating a Display Screen Equipment DSE workstation checklist helps ensure that workstations are ergonomically designed to minimize the risk of discomfort or injury associated with prolonged computer use.

Here’s a DSE workstation checklist you can use:

DSE workstation checklist

  1. General Information:

    • Employee Name:
    • Department/Team:
    • Date of Assessment:
  2. Workspace Setup:

    • Is the workstation set up in a quiet and well-lit area?
    • Is the workstation free from glare and reflections on the screen?
    • The temperature and humidity level comfortable for the employee?
    • Is there sufficient space for the employee to move comfortably?
  3. Chair:

    • Is the chair adjustable in height?
    • Does the chair provide adequate lumbar support?
    • Are the armrests adjustable and positioned to support the employee’s arms comfortably?
    • Does the chair have a stable base with casters suitable for the floor surface?
  4. Desk:

    • Is the desk height adjustable to accommodate the employee’s height?
    • Is there enough space under the desk for leg movement and footrest if necessary?
    • The desk surface large enough to accommodate the monitor(s), keyboard, mouse, and other necessary items?
  5. Monitor:

    • Is the monitor positioned directly in front of the employee?
    • Is the top of the monitor at or slightly below eye level?
    • The monitor tilted slightly backward to reduce glare and reflections?
    • Is the distance between the eyes and the screen approximately an arm’s length away?
  6. Keyboard and Mouse:

    • Is the keyboard positioned directly in front of the employee?
    • Are the wrists in a neutral position while typing?
    • Are the mouse and keyboard at the same height and close enough to prevent overreaching?
    • Keyboard shortcuts encouraged to reduce mouse use?
  7. Accessories:

    • Are document holders available to position documents at eye level?
    • Is there a telephone headset available to minimize neck strain during phone calls?
    • Are ergonomic accessories such as wrist rests or footrests provided if needed?
  8. Work Habits:

    • Are employees encouraged to take regular breaks from screen work?
    • Are employees trained in proper ergonomic practices and encouraged to report discomfort or issues?
    • Is there flexibility for employees to alternate between seated and standing work if possible?
  9. Additional Considerations:

    • Are employees provided with eye tests if they request them?
    • Are employees encouraged to adjust their workstation setup to accommodate individual preferences?
  10. Review and Action:

    • Review the checklist findings and take appropriate action to address any identified issues.
    • Schedule regular reviews to ensure ongoing compliance with ergonomic guidelines.

DSE workstation checklistCustomize Display Screen Equipment DSE workstation checklist according to specific workplace requirements and ensure that employees are involved in the process to address individual needs effectively. Regular reviews and updates to Display Screen Equipment DSE workstation checklist will help maintain a safe and comfortable working environment for all employees using display screen equipment.

DSE workstation checklistInspecting DSE workstations using  eAuditor Audits & Inspections checklist can streamline the process and ensure consistent evaluation criteria are applied. Here’s how you can structure a DSE workstation inspection checklist using eAuditor Audits & Inspections :

  1. General Information:

    • Obtain  eAuditor Audits & Inspections  from Apple or Android App store.
    • eAuditor Audits & Inspections  provide public library that includes Display Screen Equipment DSE workstation checklist or you can create your own customized checklist.
    • Checklist can have input fields for employee name, department/team, and date of assessment with an option to capture a photo of the workstation for reference.
  2. Workspace Setup:

    • Checklist can include checkboxes to confirm if the workstation is in a quiet, well-lit area with comfortable temperature and humidity levels and options to note any issues related to glare, reflections, and available space.
  3. Chair:

    • Checklist can include checkboxes to assess the adjustability of the chair in terms of height and lumbar support and options to evaluate the armrests and stability of the chair base.
  4. Desk:

    • Checklist can include fields to confirm if the desk is adjustable in height and spacious enough for ergonomic setup and options to note any issues related to leg space and accommodation of necessary items.
  5. Monitor:

    • Checklist can include checkboxes to verify the positioning and alignment of the monitor in relation to the employee’s eyes and options to assess tilt, distance, and glare reduction measures.
  6. Keyboard and Mouse:

    • Checklist can include checkboxes to confirm the ergonomic positioning of the keyboard and mouse and options to evaluate wrist position, reach, and use of keyboard shortcuts.
  7. Accessories:

    • DSE workstation checklist can include checkboxes to assess the availability and positioning of accessories such as document holders and telephone headsets and options to note the provision of ergonomic accessories like wrist rests or footrests.
  8. Work Habits:

    • Checklist can include checkboxes to confirm if employees are encouraged to take regular breaks and trained in ergonomic practices and options to note any flexibility in work arrangements, such as standing workstations.
  9. Additional Considerations:

    • Checklist can include checkboxes to confirm the availability of eye tests and accommodations for individual preferences and options to note any additional considerations or specific requirements.
  10. Review and Action:

    •  eAuditor Audits & Inspections can include fields for reviewers to document findings and recommendations and options to assign actions and set deadlines for addressing identified issues.
  11. Submit and Generate Report:

    •  eAuditor Audits & Inspections includes a submission button to finalize the inspection and generate a comprehensive report summarizing the inspection findings, recommendations, and action plan.

 You can  obtain  eAuditor Audits & Inspections  from Apple or Android App store.

By using  eAuditor Audits & Inspections checklist for DSE workstation inspections, you can ensure thorough evaluations, consistent documentation, and efficient follow-up actions to address any identified issues promptly.

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