eAuditor Audits & Inspections

Conducting an OSHA Asbestos Inspection using eAuditor Audits & Inspections can help ensure that your facility complies with OSHA regulations regarding asbestos handling, removal, and disposal. Here’s a detailed OSHA Asbestos Inspection Checklist for use in eAuditor Audits & Inspections:

OSHA Inspection Checklist Asbestos

OSHA Asbestos Inspection Checklist (eAuditor Audits & Inspections)

1. General Information:

  • Inspection Date: [Date Picker]
  • Inspector Name: [Text Field]
  • Facility Name/Location: [Text Field]
  • Job Title/Position of Inspector: [Text Field]
  • Type of Inspection: [Dropdown: Initial, Follow-Up, Routine]

2. Asbestos Hazard Identification:

Asbestos-Containing Materials (ACMs):
  • Have all areas been inspected for the presence of ACMs? [Yes/No/NA]
    • Notes: [Text Field]
    • Attach Photos/Reports: [Attach Photo/File Field]
  • Is there an asbestos inventory on-site? [Yes/No/NA]
    • Attach Inventory Records: [Attach File]
  • Are ACMs properly labeled? [Yes/No/NA]
    • Attach Photos: [Attach Photo Field]
  • Are locations of ACMs marked on building diagrams? [Yes/No/NA]
    • Notes: [Text Field]

3. Control Measures:

Asbestos Control Procedures:
  • Is an Asbestos Management Plan in place? [Yes/No/NA]
    • Attach Management Plan: [Attach File]
  • Are ACMs in good condition and not disturbed or damaged? [Yes/No/NA]
    • Notes: [Text Field]
    • Attach Photos: [Attach Photo Field]
  • Are proper containment procedures in place for friable ACMs? [Yes/No/NA]
    • Notes: [Text Field]
  • Are regular inspections conducted to monitor ACM conditions? [Yes/No/NA]
    • Notes: [Text Field]
    • Attach Inspection Records: [Attach File]
Engineering Controls:
  • Are engineering controls, such as local exhaust ventilation, used to prevent exposure during asbestos work? [Yes/No/NA]
    • Notes: [Text Field]
    • Attach Photos: [Attach Photo Field]
Work Practices:
  • Are wet methods used for asbestos removal to minimize fiber release? [Yes/No/NA]
    • Notes: [Text Field]
  • Are HEPA vacuums or other approved methods used for asbestos cleanup? [Yes/No/NA]
    • Notes: [Text Field]
    • Attach Photos: [Attach Photo Field]

4. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):

  • Do you provide workers provided appropriate PPE (respirators, gloves, disposable coveralls)? [Yes/No/NA]
    • Notes: [Text Field]
    • Attach Photos: [Attach Photo Field]
  • Are respirators properly fitted and maintained? [Yes/No/NA]
    • Notes: [Text Field]
    • Attach Respirator Fit Test Records: [Attach File]
  • Is PPE inspected before and after use? [Yes/No/NA]
    • Notes: [Text Field]
  • Is contaminated PPE properly disposed of or decontaminated? [Yes/No/NA]
    • Notes: [Text Field]

5. Air Monitoring:

  • Do you conduct air monitoring to measure asbestos fiber levels in the work area? [Yes/No/NA]
    • Notes: [Text Field]
    • Attach Air Monitoring Results: [Attach File]
  • Are airborne fiber levels below the OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) of 0.1 fibers/cc? [Yes/No/NA]
    • Notes: [Text Field]
  • Is area air monitoring performed regularly during asbestos-related work? [Yes/No/NA]
    • Notes: [Text Field]
    • Attach Monitoring Schedule/Records: [Attach File]
  • Are corrective actions taken when fiber levels exceed OSHA limits? [Yes/No/NA]
    • Notes: [Text Field]

6. Worker Training and Communication:

Training Programs:
  • Are workers trained on asbestos hazards, safety procedures, and use of PPE? [Yes/No/NA]
    • Notes: [Text Field]
    • Attach Training Records: [Attach File]
  • Is asbestos training refreshed annually? [Yes/No/NA]
    • Notes: [Text Field]
  • Are supervisors and workers trained in emergency procedures related to asbestos incidents? [Yes/No/NA]
    • Notes: [Text Field]
Hazard Communication:
  • Are workers aware of the locations of ACMs in the workplace? [Yes/No/NA]
    • Notes: [Text Field]
  • Is an Asbestos Awareness Program in place? [Yes/No/NA]
    • Notes: [Text Field]
    • Attach Program Documentation: [Attach File]
  • Are Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for asbestos-containing products available to workers? [Yes/No/NA]
    • Attach SDS: [Attach File]
  • Are warning signs posted at asbestos work areas? [Yes/No/NA]
    • Attach Photos: [Attach Photo Field]

OSHA Inspection Checklist Asbestos

7. Asbestos Disposal:

  • Does site store asbestos waste materials in leak-tight, labeled containers? [Yes/No/NA]
    • Notes: [Text Field]
    • Attach Photos: [Attach Photo Field]
  • Is asbestos waste disposed of at an approved facility? [Yes/No/NA]
    • Notes: [Text Field]
    • Attach Disposal Records: [Attach File]
  • Are transport containers for asbestos waste properly labeled (e.g., “Danger: Asbestos”)? [Yes/No/NA]
    • Attach Photos: [Attach Photo Field]
  • Is documentation (waste manifest) maintained for asbestos waste disposal? [Yes/No/NA]
    • Notes: [Text Field]
    • Attach Disposal Manifest: [Attach File]

8. Emergency Procedures:

  • Are emergency procedures in place for accidental asbestos exposure or fiber release? [Yes/No/NA]
    • Attach Emergency Procedures: [Attach File]
  • Are workers trained in emergency response for asbestos-related incidents? [Yes/No/NA]
    • Notes: [Text Field]
  • Are containment and decontamination procedures clearly outlined and followed during emergencies? [Yes/No/NA]
    • Notes: [Text Field]

9. Recordkeeping:

  • Are all required records (air monitoring, training, asbestos management plan, disposal, etc.) up to date and accessible? [Yes/No/NA]
    • Attach Relevant Records: [Attach File]
  • Is medical surveillance conducted for employees working with asbestos? [Yes/No/NA]
    • Attach Medical Surveillance Records: [Attach File]
  • Are workers’ asbestos exposure records maintained for at least 30 years? [Yes/No/NA]
    • Notes: [Text Field]

10. Conclusion and Corrective Actions:

Audit Summary:
  • Overall Compliance with OSHA Asbestos Standards: [Dropdown: Compliant, Minor Non-Compliance, Major Non-Compliance, Critical Non-Compliance]
    • Notes: [Text Field]
Corrective Actions:
  • List of Corrective Actions Needed: [Text Field]
    • Responsible Person: [Text Field]
    • Completion Deadline: [Date Picker]

11. Signatures:

  • Inspector Signature: [Digital Signature Field]
  • Facility Representative Signature: [Digital Signature Field]

How to Use eAuditor Audits & Inspections for OSHA Asbestos Inspections:

OSHA Inspection Checklist Asbestos

  1. Use or Build the OSHA Asbestos Inspection Checklist Template: Use existing or Create the OSHA Asbestos Inspection Checklist template using the checklist items in eAuditor Audits & Inspections, including options for attaching photos, files, and notes.
  2. Real-Time Inspection: Conduct inspections on-site with the ability to attach real-time photos, upload documents, and make notes.
  3. Generate Reports: eAuditor Audits & Inspections can automatically generate inspection reports for compliance reviews or audits.
  4. Assign and Track Actions: Assign corrective actions to responsible persons, with deadlines for follow-up, and track them in eAuditor Audits & Inspections.
  5. Schedule Regular Inspections: Set up periodic inspections to ensure ongoing compliance with OSHA’s asbestos regulations.

This OSHA Asbestos Inspection Checklist provides a thorough framework for conducting comprehensive OSHA asbestos inspections and maintaining compliance.


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