eAuditor Audits & Inspections

Roof Inspection Checklist

Using eAuditor Audits & Inspections for roof inspections allows for digital checklists, real-time reporting, and photo attachments to streamline the process. Here’s a detailed Roof Inspection Checklist for eAuditor Audits & Inspections, which you can customize according to your needs:Roof Inspection Checklist

Roof Inspection Checklist Template (eAuditor Audits & Inspections)

1. General Information:

  • Inspection Date: [Date Picker]
  • Inspector Name: [Text Field]
  • Weather Conditions: [Dropdown: Sunny, Cloudy, Rainy, Windy, Snow]
  • Property Name/Location: [Text Field]
  • Roof Type: [Dropdown: Flat, Sloped, Gable, Hip, Mansard, Other]
  • Roof Material: [Dropdown: Asphalt Shingles, Metal, Tile, Wood, Slate, EPDM, Other]

2. Safety Precautions:

  • PPE Worn (Hard Hat, Gloves, Harness): [Yes/No]
  • Ladders Securely Placed and Inspected: [Yes/No]
  • Safety Harness and Fall Protection in Use: [Yes/No]

3. Roof Exterior:

Visual Inspection of Roof Surface:
  • Visible Damage (Cracks, Holes, Tears): [Yes/No]
    • Notes: [Text Field]
    • Attach Photos: [Attach Photo Field]
  • Shingles/Material Condition (Broken, Missing, Curled): [Yes/No]
    • Notes: [Text Field]
    • Attach Photos: [Attach Photo Field]
  • Presence of Debris (Leaves, Dirt, Branches): [Yes/No]
    • Notes: [Text Field]
    • Attach Photos: [Attach Photo Field]
Roof Flashing:
  • Flashing Condition (Around Chimneys, Skylights, Vents): [Yes/No]
    • Notes: [Text Field]
    • Attach Photos: [Attach Photo Field]
Gutters and Drainage System:
  • Gutter Condition (Clogged, Leaking, Sagging): [Yes/No]
    • Notes: [Text Field]
    • Attach Photos: [Attach Photo Field]
  • Proper Drainage Away from Roof: [Yes/No]
Seals and Caulking:
  • Cracked or Worn Seals Around Penetrations (Vents, Pipes, Skylights): [Yes/No]
    • Notes: [Text Field]
    • Attach Photos: [Attach Photo Field]

4. Roof Structure:

Structural Integrity:
  • Sagging or Uneven Sections: [Yes/No]
    • Notes: [Text Field]
    • Attach Photos: [Attach Photo Field]
  • Signs of Rot, Rust, or Deterioration: [Yes/No]
    • Notes: [Text Field]
    • Attach Photos: [Attach Photo Field]
Roof Supports (Trusses, Rafters, Beams):
  • Visible Damage to Structural Supports: [Yes/No]
    • Notes: [Text Field]
    • Attach Photos: [Attach Photo Field]

Roof Inspection Checklist

5. Roof Interior (If Accessible):

Attic Inspection:
  • Visible Leaks or Water Stains: [Yes/No]
    • Notes: [Text Field]
    • Attach Photos: [Attach Photo Field]
  • Mold or Mildew: [Yes/No]
    • Notes: [Text Field]
    • Attach Photos: [Attach Photo Field]
  • Insulation Condition: [Good/Fair/Poor]
    • Notes: [Text Field]
    • Attach Photos: [Attach Photo Field]

6. Roof Penetrations:

Inspection of Chimney:
  • Cracked Bricks or Deteriorated Mortar: [Yes/No]
    • Notes: [Text Field]
    • Attach Photos: [Attach Photo Field]
Vents and Skylights:
  • Cracked Glass or Damaged Frames: [Yes/No]
    • Notes: [Text Field]
    • Attach Photos: [Attach Photo Field]

7. Roof Accessories:

Antennas, Satellite Dishes, Solar Panels:
  • Mountings Secure and Properly Sealed: [Yes/No]
    • Notes: [Text Field]
    • Attach Photos: [Attach Photo Field]

8. Conclusion:

Overall Roof Condition:
  • Rate the Overall Condition of the Roof: [Dropdown: Good, Fair, Poor]
    • Notes: [Text Field]
Action Items:
  • Repairs Needed: [Yes/No]
    • Description of Repairs: [Text Field]
    • Urgency Level: [Dropdown: Immediate, Moderate, Low]
    • Attach Photos: [Attach Photo Field]

9. Signature:

  • Inspector Signature: [Digital Signature Field]

How to Use eAuditor Audits & Inspections for Roof Inspections:

Roof Inspection Checklist

  1. Create a Template in eAuditor Audits & Inspections using the above checklist items.
  2. Customize Fields to fit your specific roof type, safety regulations, and company requirements.
  3. Add Photos directly to inspection points to document damage or concerns.
  4. Generate Reports automatically after the inspection, which can be shared instantly.
  5. Schedule Recurring Inspections to ensure consistent roof maintenance.

This checklist provides a thorough guide for conducting roof inspections safely and effectively with eAuditor Audits & Inspections.


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