eAuditor Audits & Inspections

Retail Cleaning Checklist

Creating a Retail Cleaning Checklist using eAuditor Audits & Inspections ensures that your store stays clean, safe, and presentable for customers. Here’s a comprehensive template you can set up in eAuditor Audits & Inspections to cover daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning tasks across all areas of the store.

Retail Cleaning Checklist

Retail Cleaning Checklist Template

1. Storefront and Entryway

Objective: Ensure the store entrance is clean and welcoming.

  • Exterior Cleaning
    • Are the windows clean and streak-free?
    • Is the door and entrance free from dirt, smudges, or debris?
    • Is the entrance area (steps, sidewalk) free of trash?
    • Are outdoor trash bins empty and clean?
  • Signage
    • Are store signs clean and in good condition?
    • Is outdoor lighting working properly and clean (light fixtures, signage)?

2. Sales Floor

Objective: Maintain cleanliness and organization on the shop floor.

  • Floor Cleaning
    • Are the floors swept or vacuumed?
    • Are the floors mopped or polished (if necessary)?
    • Is floor free from any spill?
  • Shelves and Displays
    • Are shelves free of dirt or clutter?
    • Are display units wiped down and sanitized?
    • Have products been neatly organized with no misplaced items?
  • Trash and Bins
    • Are trash cans empty with new liners?
    • Are trash bins clean and odor-free?

3. Dressing Rooms/Fitting Areas

Objective: Ensure fitting areas are clean and tidy for customers.

  • Room Cleanliness
    • Are fitting rooms floors clean?
    • Have employees cleaned mirrors and are mirrors streak-free?
    • Are fitting room benches or seating areas clean?
  • Organization
    • Is hangers organization neat and are hangers available?
    • Is there no abandoned merchandise in the fitting rooms?

4. Cash Register and Checkout Area

Objective: Keep high-traffic areas clean and organized.

  • Counters and POS Equipment
    • Are checkout counters clean?
    • Are POS terminals (keypads, screens) clean?
    • Is the counter free of clutter?
  • Trash and Paperwork
    • Is trash removed and disposed of?
    • Does retail location organize paper receipts, flyers, or brochures neatly?
  • Sanitization
    • Are sanitization supplies (hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes) available?

Retail Cleaning Checklist

5. Stock Room/Back Room

Objective: Ensure storage areas are clean, organized, and safe.

  • Floor Cleaning
    • Are floors swept and free of dust, dirt, or debris?
    • Does retail location address spills or hazards in the stock room immediately?
  • Shelves and Inventory
    • Are shelves in the stockroom free of dust?
    • Is inventory accessible?
  • Trash and Recycling
    • Does retail location break down and recycle cardboard boxes properly?
    • Are trash cans empty with clean liners?

6. Restrooms (Staff and Customer)

Objective: Maintain cleanliness and sanitation in restrooms.

  • General Cleanliness
    • Are floors clean?
    • Does retail location maintain clean sinks and disinfect sinks, countertops, and mirrors?
    • Are toilets clean and free of stains?
  • Restocking
    • Are soap dispensers full and working?
    • Are paper towels or hand dryers operational?
    • Is toilet paper available in all stalls?
  • Trash Removal
    • Are restroom trash bins emptied and liners replaced?

7. Office/Staff Areas

Objective: Keep non-customer areas clean and functional.

  • Floor and Surface Cleaning
    • Are office floors vacuumed or swept?
    • Are desks and workstations clean and free from dust?
    • Does retail location sanitize phones, keyboards, and other high-touch areas?
  • Trash and Organization
    • Is trash removed from office and staff areas?
    • Are desks and workspaces organized?

8. High-Traffic Touch Points

Objective: Ensure high-touch areas are frequently cleaned and disinfected to maintain hygiene.

  • Are door handles and knobs wiped down and sanitized?
  • Are light switches clean?
  • Does retail location clean and disinfect escalator or stair railings?
  • Are shopping baskets or carts clean?

9. Weekly and Deep Cleaning Tasks

Objective: Schedule weekly and monthly cleaning tasks for more detailed attention to specific areas.

  • Weekly Tasks
    • Deep clean floors (steam clean carpets or scrub hard floors).
    • Dust all vents, lighting fixtures, and ceiling corners.
    • Clean behind and underneath furniture, shelves, or fixtures.
  • Monthly Tasks
    • Clean and polish windows and glass doors.
    • Check and clean air conditioning or heating vents.
    • Perform a deep clean of the stockroom or storage areas.

Customization and Implementation of Retail Cleaning Checklist in eAuditor Audits & Inspections

Retail Cleaning Checklist

Here’s how to implement Retail Cleaning Checklist in eAuditor Audits & Inspections:

  1. Create or use existing Retail Cleaning Checklist Template in eAuditor Audits & Inspections:
    • Open eAuditor Audits & Inspection’s template builder and create sections for each area of the store (Storefront, Sales Floor, etc.).
    • Add relevant checkboxes, text fields, and photo attachment options for each task.
    • Include Yes/No fields with conditional logic (e.g., if a task is not completed, add a comment or assign a corrective action).
  2. Assign Frequency:
    • Assign each section a frequency (e.g., Daily, Weekly, or Monthly) to ensure tasks are completed on time.
    • You can create separate checklists for daily and deep cleaning tasks or consolidate them into one checklist.
  3. Schedule Recurring Inspections:
    • Set up automatic schedules for the cleaning checklist, ensuring staff members are notified when it’s time to perform the daily or weekly cleaning.
  4. Mobile Access for Real-Time Updates:
    • Enable cleaning staff to complete the checklist on mobile devices while on the job, making it easy to document their progress and mark items as completed.
  5. Reports and Analytics:
    • eAuditor Audits & Inspections will automatically generate reports after each checklist is completed.
    • Use the reports to track overall cleanliness trends and identify recurring problem areas or improvement opportunities.

By following this Retail Cleaning Checklist template using eAuditor Audits & Inspections, you can ensure consistent cleaning standards, maintain a safe and hygienic environment for customers and employees, and streamline your cleaning operations efficiently.




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