eAuditor Audits & Inspections

Food Safety & Hygiene Checklist

Regular inspections & adherence to food safety & hygiene standards help prevent foodborne illnesses & ensure the overall safety & quality of the food served.

Food Safety & Hygiene Checklist


1. Personal Hygiene  

  • Hand Washing:
    • Employees wash hands properly and frequently.
    • Handwashing stations equipped with soap, paper towels, and warm water.
    • Hand sanitizer available.
  • Personal Cleanliness:
    • Clean uniforms and aprons worn.
    • Hair restraints (hats, hairnets) used.
    • No jewelry, except plain wedding bands.
    • Fingernails clean and trimmed.
  • Health:
    • Employees report illnesses and injuries.
    • Sick employees not handling food.

2. Food Handling Practices

  • Food Storage:
    • Proper labeling and dating of food items.
    • Raw and cooked foods stored separately.
    • Food stored off the floor and away from walls.
    • Refrigerators and freezers at correct temperatures.
  • Preparation:
    • Separate cutting boards for raw and cooked foods.
    • Proper cleaning and sanitizing of equipment and surfaces.
    • Use of gloves when handling ready-to-eat foods.
  • Cooking:
    • Food cooked to safe temperatures (e.g., poultry: 165°F, ground meat: 155°F).
    • Use of calibrated thermometers to check temperatures.
  • Cooling and Reheating:
    • Proper cooling methods (e.g., ice baths, shallow containers).
    • Food cooled to 70°F within 2 hours and to 41°F within 4 additional hours.
    • Reheat food to 165°F for at least 15 seconds.

3. Cleaning and Sanitizing

  • Cleaning:
    • Clean and sanitize food contact surfaces after use.
    • Regular cleaning schedule for non-food contact surfaces.
    • Cleaning supplies properly stored and labeled.
  • Sanitizing:
    • Use of approved sanitizers at correct concentrations.
    • Test strips available to check sanitizer strength.
    • Proper sanitizing of utensils, cutting boards, and equipment.

4. Facility Maintenance

  • Pest Control:
    • Regular pest control inspections.
    • No signs of pests (e.g., droppings, gnaw marks).
    • Proper sealing of entry points to prevent pests.
  • Waste Management:
    • Proper disposal of waste and recyclables.
    • Clean and covered garbage bins.
    • Regular removal of trash from the premises.
  • Structural Maintenance:
    • Floors, walls, and ceilings clean and in good repair.
    • Proper lighting in food preparation and storage areas.
    • Adequate ventilation to remove steam, smoke, and odors.

5. Documentation and Training

  • Documentation:
    • Temperature logs for refrigerators, freezers, and cooked foods.
    • Cleaning and sanitizing schedules and records.
    • Pest control logs and inspection reports.
  • Training:
    • Regular food safety training for employees.
    • Training records kept up-to-date.
    • Employee knowledge tested on food safety practices.

6. Emergency Procedures

  • Equipment Failures:
    • Procedures for handling equipment failures (e.g., power outages, fridge/freezer breakdowns).
    • Emergency contacts readily available.
  • Food Recalls:
    • Procedures for handling food recalls.
    • Up-to-date contact information for suppliers.

      Food Safety & Hygiene Checklist

Food Safety & Hygiene Checklist Using eAuditor Audits & Inspections




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