eAuditor Audits & Inspections

Here’s a Gym Daily Maintenance Checklist designed for use with eAuditor Audits & Inspections. This checklist focuses on daily tasks to maintain cleanliness, safety, and operational readiness in the gym. You can modify the checklist as per your gym’s specific requirements.

Gym Daily Maintenance Checklist

Gym Daily Maintenance Checklist

1. General Cleanliness

  • Floor Cleaning
    • Sweeping and Mopping: Ensure all areas (gym floor, locker rooms, hallways) are swept and mopped.
    • Carpets/Vacuuming: If applicable, vacuum carpets or rugs to remove dirt and debris.
    • Trash Removal: Empty all trash cans and replace liners.
  • Equipment Cleaning
    • Disinfecting Surfaces: Wipe down all equipment (machines, weights, mats) with disinfectant to remove sweat and bacteria.
    • Handle Cleaning: Pay special attention to cleaning high-touch surfaces like handles, buttons, and grips.
    • Treadmill Belts: Ensure treadmill belts are free from dust or dirt buildup.
  • Mirrors and Glass
    • Mirrors: Clean all gym mirrors to remove fingerprints, smudges, and streaks.
    • Windows: Ensure windows and any glass partitions are clean and streak-free.

2. Equipment Functionality

  • Daily Equipment Check
    • Cardio Machines: Test treadmills, ellipticals, and bikes to ensure they are functioning properly.
    • Strength Machines: Verify that weight machines move smoothly and check for any sticking or unusual sounds.
    • Free Weights: Inspect free weights (dumbbells, barbells) for cracks, dents, or damage.
  • Emergency Stop Buttons (Cardio Equipment)
    • Treadmills and Other Cardio Equipment: Test the emergency stop buttons to ensure they are working.

3. Locker Rooms and Bathrooms

  • Locker Room Cleaning
    • Floors and Benches: Clean floors, benches, and lockers. Ensure there are no puddles of water or debris.
    • Locker Function: Check that lockers open and close properly and that locks are functioning.
  • Bathroom/Toilet Cleaning
    • Toilets and Sinks: Clean and disinfect all toilets, sinks, and urinals.
    • Mirrors and Surfaces: Clean mirrors, countertops, and soap dispensers.
    • Refill Supplies: Ensure that soap, toilet paper, and paper towels are stocked.
  • Shower Area
    • Shower Cleaning: Clean and disinfect shower floors, walls, and drains. Remove any hair or debris.
    • Water Temperature: Test water temperature to ensure it is functioning within a safe range.

4. Pool and Sauna (if applicable)

  • Pool Maintenance
    • Water Quality: Test pool chemical levels (chlorine, pH) to ensure they are within safe limits.
    • Pool Deck: Sweep and clean the pool deck, ensuring there is no standing water or slippery areas.
  • Sauna Cleaning
    • Benches and Walls: Clean sauna benches and walls to remove sweat and stains.
    • Temperature: Check that the sauna temperature is within a safe and comfortable range.

Gym Daily Maintenance Checklist

5. Safety and Security

  • Emergency Exits
    • Unobstructed Exits: Ensure emergency exits are not blocked and are clearly marked.
    • Exit Signs: Confirm that exit signs are lit and visible.
  • Fire Safety
    • Fire Extinguishers: Ensure fire extinguishers are accessible and in their designated locations.
    • AED (Automated External Defibrillator): Check that the AED unit is in place and fully charged.
  • First Aid Kits
    • Stock Check: Verify that first aid kits are fully stocked with necessary items (bandages, disinfectant, etc.).

6. Supplies and Stocking

  • Disinfectant and Cleaning Supplies
    • Refill Disinfectants: Ensure all disinfectant wipes or sprays are replenished near the equipment.
    • Towels: Confirm that clean towels are stocked (if provided), and dirty towels are collected and laundered.
  • Gym Essentials
    • Water Stations: Ensure water fountains or hydration stations are clean and functioning properly.
    • Hand Sanitizer: Verify that hand sanitizer dispensers are full and accessible in key areas.

7. Staff and Customer Areas

  • Front Desk
    • Clean Desk and Countertops: Wipe down the front desk and any countertops.
    • Organize Equipment: Ensure the front desk is organized and stocked with necessary forms or materials (e.g., membership forms, pens).
  • Seating Areas
    • Clean Chairs and Tables: Wipe down chairs and tables in any seating or waiting areas.
    • Organize Magazines or Brochures: Ensure reading materials or informational brochures are organized and up-to-date.

8. Customer Feedback (Optional)

  • Feedback Forms
    • Review Feedback: Check for any customer feedback regarding cleanliness, maintenance issues, or suggestions.
    • Action Plan: Address any reported concerns or issues from the previous day.

9. Final Sign-Off

  • Inspection Notes: Document any issues identified during the daily maintenance check.
  • Actions Taken: Record any immediate maintenance or cleaning actions performed.
  • Staff Signature: The responsible staff member signs off upon completion of the checklist.

eAuditor Audits & Inspections Tips for Daily Use for Gym Daily Maintenance Checklist:

Gym Daily Maintenance Checklist

  • Automate Notifications: Set up notifications for when equipment or areas require special attention.
  • Use Photos: Attach photos of any identified issues or completed tasks.
  • Track Completion: Use eAuditor Audits & Inspections to track checklist completion daily and monitor recurring issues.
  • Reporting: Use eAuditor Audits & Inspections to generate daily reports for management to ensure all maintenance tasks are completed.

This Gym Daily Maintenance Checklist ensures that the gym remains clean, safe, and operational, offering a positive experience for members and staff. Gym Daily Maintenance Checklist can be customized within eAuditor Audits & Inspections to fit the specific needs of your gym.


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