eAuditor Audits & Inspections

Pool Maintenance Checklist

Creating a Pool Maintenance Checklist using eAuditor Audits & Inspections ensures that regular upkeep and preventive maintenance are conducted efficiently to keep the pool safe, clean, and compliant with health regulations. Below is a structured checklist template you can implement in eAuditor Audits & Inspection, covering daily, weekly, and monthly maintenance tasks.
Pool Maintenance Checklist

Pool Maintenance Checklist

1. General Information

  • Inspection Date
  • Inspector Name
  • Pool Location
  • Weather Conditions (if applicable)

2. Water Chemistry

  • Water pH Levels (ideal range: 7.2 – 7.8)
  • Chlorine/Bromine Levels (free chlorine: 1-3 ppm, bromine: 3-5 ppm)
  • Total Alkalinity (recommended: 80 – 120 ppm)
  • Calcium Hardness (recommended: 200 – 400 ppm)
  • Cyanuric Acid (Stabilizer) Levels (if applicable, ideal: 30 – 50 ppm)
  • Water Clarity (clear, no cloudiness)
  • Water Temperature (document temperature)
  • Regular Water Testing Frequency (e.g., daily, hourly during busy times)

3. Filtration and Circulation System

  • Filter Pressure (within normal range)
  • Clean Filter Media (backwash or clean filters if needed)
  • Skimmers Functioning Properly (check and clean baskets)
  • Pump Operation (check for noise or signs of malfunction)
  • Water Flow Rate (verify correct turnover rate)
  • Water Levels (ensure water is at the correct height for skimmers to function)
  • Clean Return Lines and Jets (inspect and remove blockages)
  • Inspect Automatic Water Fill System (if applicable)

4. Pool Surface and Structure

  • Check Pool Tiles (no broken, loose, or missing tiles)
  • Inspect Pool Liner (for cracks, rips, or wear)
  • Pool Walls and Floor (clean and free of algae, debris)
  • Drains (clear of obstructions)
  • Grout Condition (inspect and repair if necessary)

5. Deck and Surrounding Areas

  • Deck Surface Condition (inspect for cracks or slippery areas)
  • Furniture Condition (lounge chairs, tables in good condition)
  • Non-Slip Surfaces (check for worn-out areas)
  • Trash Bins (clean, empty, and in good condition)
  • Signage Condition (pool rules, depth markers, safety signs visible and undamaged)
  • Cleanliness of Deck Area (remove debris, ensure cleanliness)

6. Pool Equipment

  • Pool Cover Condition (if applicable)
  • Automatic Pool Cleaners (functioning properly)
  • Heaters and Thermostats (operational and accurate)
  • Lighting (pool and surrounding area lights working)
  • Handrails and Ladders (secure, rust-free, stable)
  • Diving Boards/Slides (secure, good condition)

7. Chemical Storage and Handling

  • Proper Chemical Storage (ventilation, organized, in original containers)
  • Safety Data Sheets (SDS) Available (for all chemicals)
  • Proper Labelling of Chemicals (no damaged or faded labels)
  • Inspect Spill Kit (available and stocked)
  • Check Chemical Feeders (for blockages or leaks)
  • Protective Equipment Available (gloves, goggles, aprons)

8. Backwashing

  • Backwash Sand Filter (when pressure rises 8-10 psi above normal)
  • Check DE Filter Grids (clean or replace as needed)
  • Check Cartridge Filter (clean or replace)

9. Safety Equipment

  • First Aid Kit Stocked
  • Life Rings, Hooks, and Poles (easily accessible)
  • Poolside Rescue Equipment in good condition
  • Automated External Defibrillator (AED) (if applicable, test for functionality)
  • Fire Extinguishers (inspected and accessible)
  • Emergency Communication System (functioning, e.g., poolside phones, alarms)

Pool Maintenance Checklist

10. Lifeguard Station (if applicable)

  • Chairs and Umbrellas for Lifeguard (stable and in good condition)
  • Lifeguard Equipment (whistles, rescue tubes)
  • Visibility from Lifeguard Station (clear and unobstructed)

11. Drains and Overflow Systems

  • Main Drain Cover Secure (check for compliance with safety standards)
  • Overflow Gutters/Catchment Basins (clear of debris)
  • Vacuum Fittings (secure and operational)
  • Drain Suction (check for proper flow)

12. Pumps and Motor Systems

  • Motor Noise Levels (check for unusual noises)
  • Inspect Pump Seals (for leaks)
  • Lubricate Motor Bearings (as per manufacturer’s guidelines)
  • Check Electrical Connections (tight and corrosion-free)
  • Pumps Operating at Optimal Flow Rate

13. Heater and Temperature Controls

  • Verify Heater Temperature (within set limits)
  • Check Heater Filters (clean if necessary)
  • Inspect Thermostats (for accuracy)
  • Gas or Electrical Connections (inspect for leaks or issues)

14. Automation Systems (if applicable)

  • Verify Timer Settings (correct for pool hours)
  • Test Automatic Chemical Feeders
  • Ensure Automation System is Communicating Properly (remote monitoring working)

15. Weekly/Monthly Tasks

  • Shock Treatment Conducted
  • Inspect Chemical Levels Post Shock Treatment
  • Algae Prevention Chemicals Applied (if applicable)
  • Deep Clean Pool Floor and Walls (vacuum or brush thoroughly)
  • Inspect Pool Covers for Damage (if applicable)
  • Inspect UV/Ozone Systems (if applicable)
  • Winterizing/Summerizing Tasks (if seasonal pool)

16. Record-Keeping and Documentation

  • Water Testing Logs Updated
  • Backwash Logs Recorded
  • Chemical Inventory Updated
  • Maintenance Logs (document inspections and repairs)
  • Incident Reports (if any) recorded properly
  • Training Records for Staff (if applicable)

Implementation in eAuditor Audits & Inspections

Pool Maintenance Checklist

  1. Create a New Checklist or use existing Pool Maintenance Checklist:
    • Open eAuditor Audits & Inspections and select “Create New Checklist.” or use existing Pool Maintenance Checklist.
    • Use the checklist template above to create different sections for easy navigation and execution.
  2. Add Relevant Checkpoints:
    • Break the list into actionable items under each section.
    • Use different question types such as Yes/No, Numeric, and Note for flexibility.
  3. Attach Photos and Notes:
    • Enable photo and comment attachments for documenting any issues or repairs needed.
    • Allow space for additional notes or observations.
  4. Automate Reports:
    • Configure reports to be generated automatically after each inspection and send them to the responsible team or manager.
  5. Set Frequency Alerts:
    • Set reminders for daily, weekly, and monthly checks to ensure no tasks are missed.
  6. Assign Tasks and Roles:
    • Assign specific items to responsible team members for accountability (e.g., chemical management to maintenance staff, equipment checks to pool engineers).
  7. Tracking and Analytics:
    • Use eAuditor Audits & Inspections’ analytics feature to track recurring issues, overdue tasks, and maintenance trends.

This Pool Maintenance Checklist helps ensure that every component of your pool, from water chemistry to safety equipment, is checked regularly, keeping the facility in optimal condition. This checklist can be customized based on your specific pool type (e.g., public, residential, or commercial) and local regulations.


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