eAuditor Audits & Inspections

A Merchandising Audit Checklist ensures that retail displays and product placements follow brand guidelines and are optimized for customer engagement. Below is a sample checklist template tailored for use with eAuditor Audits & Inspections:

Merchandising Audit Checklist

Merchandising Audit Checklist

1. General Information

  • Date of Audit:
  • Store Location:
  • Auditor Name:
  • Store Manager/Supervisor Name:
  • Brand or Product Category:

2. Store Layout and Signage

  • Is the store layout organized and easy to navigate? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Are promotional signs and banners properly placed and visible? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Are markings for  aisle signs clear  and easy to read? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Are the store entry and key displays aligned with the brand’s guidelines? (Yes/No/Comments)

3. Product Placement

  • Are products placed in the correct areas as per planogram or guidelines? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Are placement of premium or featured products in high-visibility areas? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Are shelves well-stocked with no gaps or empty spaces? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Is product placement consistent with brand or corporate standards? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Are products with promotions or discounts placed at eye level or other strategic locations? (Yes/No/Comments)

4. Shelf Condition and Display

  • Are shelves clean and free of dust? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Are shelves and displays undamaged and in good condition? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Are product labels and tags accurate and clearly visible? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Are shelf edges tidy and organized? (Yes/No/Comments)

5. Pricing and Promotions

  • Are promotional items clearly labeled with the correct prices? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Are current promotions and discounts prominently displayed? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Are pricing labels correct and easy to read? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Are markdowns or discounts applied to the correct items? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Are loyalty program offers or bulk-buy discounts highlighted? (Yes/No/Comments)

6. Stock Availability

  • Are all key products in stock and available for purchase? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Are out-of-stock items labeled or removed from displays? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Are products nearing expiration removed from the shelves? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Is inventory aligned with customer demand (no overstock/understock)? (Yes/No/Comments)

7. Planogram Compliance

  • Is the product placement following the specified planogram? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Are product facings in line with the brand’s merchandising guidelines? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Are competitive products placed as required by the guidelines? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Is the product assortment correct as per the planogram? (Yes/No/Comments)

Merchandising Audit Checklist

8. Visual Merchandising

  • Are displays visually appealing and engaging? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Are mannequins or product stands dressed and styled properly? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Are point-of-sale materials (e.g., posters, signs) clean and up-to-date? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Are seasonal displays or themes properly highlighted? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Is arrangement of products in a way that encourages impulse buys? (Yes/No/Comments)

9. Promotional Materials

  • Are point-of-purchase displays properly assembled and placed? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Are promotional stands fully stocked and in good condition? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Are temporary displays or stands free from damage? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Are brochures or promotional flyers available and organized? (Yes/No/Comments)

10. Customer Interaction Zones

  • Is the checkout area clean and organized? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Is placement of impulse-buy items like snacks, magazines, or accessories near the checkout? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Are promotional offers visible in high-traffic areas? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Are products placed strategically in high-traffic or waiting areas? (Yes/No/Comments)

11. Brand and Product Knowledge

  • Are staff aware of current promotions and offers? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Are staff knowledgeable about the products on display? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Do staff actively promote featured or sale items? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Are staff able to assist with product placement inquiries? (Yes/No/Comments)

12. Digital Signage and Technology (if applicable)

  • Is digital signage functioning correctly and up to date? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Are interactive displays or kiosks operational and engaging? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Are QR codes or digital links for promotions working correctly? (Yes/No/Comments)

13. Additional Observations

  • Additional Comments or Recommendations:

14. Overall Assessment

  • How would you rate the overall merchandising of this store? (1-5 stars)
  • Are there any critical areas requiring immediate attention? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Was the store in compliance with the merchandising plan? (Yes/No/Comments)

Merchandising Audit Checklist

Auditor can customize checklist according to the retailer’s specific merchandising guidelines or the brand being audited. Auditor can also adjust checklist for seasonal audits, new product launches, or special promotions.

Tips for Using eAuditor Audits & Inspections:

  1. Set up templates: Create or use existing Merchandising Audit Checklist as a template in eAuditor Audits & Inspections, so it’s reusable and easy to update.
  2. Photo documentation: Take photos directly in the app to visually record compliance or issues.
  3. Assign actions: Use eAuditor Audits & Inspections’ functionality to assign corrective actions directly from the audit.
  4. Real-time reporting: Generate audit reports immediately after the inspection and share them with the team.

Auditor can customize Merchandising Audit Checklist depending on the specific needs and goals of the store or business.

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