A3 Report Format
Creating an A3 Report in eAuditor Audits & Inspections involves utilizing the tool’s features to structure a concise, visual report that adheres to the A3 methodology. An A3 Report is typically used in Lean management to solve problems or share information. Here’s how you can structure an A3 report using eAuditor Audits & Inspections:
Steps to Create an A3 Report in eAuditor Audits & Inspections
1. Define the Sections for the A3 Report:
The A3 format is divided into 7 primary sections. Each section should have a concise narrative and visual data where possible. You can create a custom template in eAuditor Audits & Inspections with these sections.
- Title: Give the report a relevant title.
- Owner and Date: Include the person responsible and the date of the report.
2. Sections of the A3 Report Format:
1. Background:
- Provide context and background on why the report is needed.
- This section explains the problem or the current situation.
- Use eAuditor Audits & Inspection’s note or description field to outline key points.
2. Current Situation (Problem Statement):
- Clearly state the problem that needs to be addressed.
- Include data or evidence in the form of checklists, inspection results, or photos that reflect the current situation.
- Attach relevant documents or images within eAuditor Audits & Inspections.
3. Target (Goal Statement):
- Define what success looks like or the desired outcome.
- eAuditor Audits & Inspections allows you to set this as a goal for future checks or audits.
4. Root Cause Analysis:
- Include tools such as 5 Whys, Ishikawa diagrams, or a Pareto analysis to dig into the root causes.
- eAuditor Audits & Inspections lets you attach diagrams, photos, and comments to your root cause analysis.
5. Countermeasures (Action Plan):
- List potential solutions and the actions required.
- You can assign tasks within eAuditor Audits & Inspections and track them.
6. Implementation Plan:
- Break down the steps for the implementation of the countermeasures.
- You can add action items directly in eAuditor Audits & Inspections and assign them to team members with deadlines.
7. Results and Follow-Up:
- Report the outcomes after implementing the action plan.
- Use eAuditor Audits & Inspections to capture before-and-after photos, inspection reports, and improvements.
3. Adding Visuals in eAuditor Audits & Inspections:
- Attach relevant pictures, diagrams, and graphs. For example, before-and-after images of a process or environment.
- If using charts (e.g., Pareto charts, bar graphs), generate these externally and attach them.
4. Sharing and Collaboration:
- Once the A3 report is complete, use eAuditor Audits & Inspection’s collaboration tools to share the report with your team.
- You can export the report as a PDF, send it to stakeholders, or set up recurring audits to check on the progress of actions.
Sample A3 Report Template (eAuditor Audits & Inspections Custom Fields)
- Title: [Text Field]
- Owner: [Text Field]
- Date: [Date Picker]
- Background: [Text Field]
- Current Situation: [Text Field], [Photo Upload]
- Target: [Text Field]
- Root Cause Analysis: [5 Whys Template / Ishikawa Diagram Attachment]
- Countermeasures: [Checklist of Actions]
- Implementation Plan: [Task Assignment Field, Due Date]
- Results/Follow-Up: [Text Field], [Photo Upload], [Inspection Data]
By setting up an A3 Report in eAuditor Audits & Inspections with this format, you’ll maintain consistency in problem-solving documentation while leveraging the tool’s mobile and collaboration features.