eAuditor Audits & Inspections

Canteen Hygiene Inspection Checklist

Canteen hygiene inspection checklist is crucial for ensuring that food is prepared, served, and consumed in a safe and clean environment.

Canteen Hygiene Inspection

1. General Cleanliness

  • Dining Area:
    • Floors clean and free of debris.
    • Tables and chairs wiped and sanitized.
    • Trash bins emptied and clean.
    • Windows and doors clean.
  • Kitchen Area:
    • Floors clean and non-slip.
    • Walls and ceilings clean.
    • Work surfaces clean and sanitized.
    • No evidence of pests.

2. Food Storage

  • Dry Storage:
    • Food stored off the floor.
    • Food items properly labeled and dated.
    • Storage area clean and organized.
    • No signs of pests.
  • Cold Storage:
    • Refrigerators and freezers clean.
    • Correct temperatures maintained (Refrigerator: ≤41°F/5°C, Freezer: ≤0°F/-18°C).
    • Food items covered and labeled.
    • No expired or spoiled food.

3. Food Preparation

  • Preparation Surfaces:
    • Surfaces clean and sanitized before and after use.
    • Separate cutting boards for raw and cooked foods.
    • Utensils clean and sanitized.
    • Proper handwashing before food preparation.
  • Cooking:
    • Proper cooking temperatures achieved.
    • Use of food thermometers.
    • Cooked food kept at safe temperatures (Hot holding: ≥140°F/60°C).

4. Personal Hygiene

  • Handwashing:
    • Employees wash hands properly and frequently.
    • Handwashing stations equipped with soap, paper towels, and warm water.
    • Hand sanitizer available.
  • Personal Cleanliness:
    • Clean uniforms and aprons worn.
    • Hair restraints (hats, hairnets) used.
    • No jewelry, except plain wedding bands.
    • Fingernails clean and trimmed.

5. Sanitation Practices

  • Cleaning and Sanitizing:
    • Cleaning schedules followed.
    • Use of appropriate cleaning chemicals.
    • Equipment and utensils properly sanitized.
    • Proper storage of cleaning supplies.
  • Waste Disposal:
    • Trash bins emptied regularly.
    • Bins clean and covered.
    • Proper segregation of waste (recyclables, organic, etc.).

6. Facility Maintenance

  • Pest Control:
    • Regular pest control inspections.
    • No evidence of pests (droppings, gnaw marks).
    • Proper sealing of entry points.
  • Structural Maintenance:
    • Floors, walls, and ceilings in good repair.
    • Adequate lighting and ventilation.
    • Restrooms clean and equipped with necessary supplies.

7. Documentation and Training

  • Documentation:
    • Temperature logs for refrigerators, freezers, and cooked foods.
    • Cleaning and sanitizing records.
    • Pest control logs and inspection reports.
  • Training:
    • Regular food safety and hygiene training for staff.
    • Training records up-to-date.
    • Employee knowledge tested on hygiene practices.

8. Emergency Procedures

  • Equipment Failures:
    • Procedures for handling equipment failures in place.
    • Emergency contacts readily available.
  • Food Recalls:
    • Procedures for handling food recalls.
    • Up-to-date contact information for suppliers.

Canteen Hygiene Inspection Checklist Inspection eAuditor Audits & Inspections

Canteen Hygiene InspectionCanteen Hygiene Inspection

Performing a canteen hygiene inspection using eAuditor Audits & Inspections can streamline the process and improve accuracy. Here’s a step-by-step guide to conducting the inspection effectively with eAuditor Audits & Inspections:

1. Prepare for the Inspection

  1. Set Up the eAuditor Audits & Inspections App:
    • Ensure the eAuditor Audits & Inspections app is installed and properly configured with the canteen’s hygiene checklist.
    • Customize the checklist according to your specific requirements and local regulations.
  2. Review the Canteen Hygiene Inspection Checklist:
    • Familiarize yourself with the Canteen Hygiene Inspection Checklist items and criteria in the eAuditor Audits & Inspections app. This may include personal hygiene, kitchen cleanliness, food storage, and equipment maintenance.
  3. Gather Equipment:
    • Make sure you have your mobile device fully charged, and have any additional tools such as a thermometer or camera if needed.

2. Start the Inspection

  1. Log In:
    • Open the eAuditor Audits & Inspections app and log in with your credentials.
  2. Select the Inspection Type:
    • Choose the type of inspection (e.g., routine, surprise, follow-up) and the specific location or canteen you are inspecting.
  3. Begin Inspection:
    • Start the inspection process as guided by the eAuditor Audits & Inspections app.

3. Complete the Checklist

A. Personal Hygiene

  1. Staff Cleanliness:
    • Check if staff are wearing clean uniforms and aprons.
    • Ensure proper handwashing practices are observed. You can use the app to mark compliance and add notes or photos if staff hygiene is not up to standard.
  2. Health Records:
    • Verify health records and training logs if applicable. Document any issues using the app.

B. Kitchen and Food Preparation Area

  1. Cleanliness:
    • Inspect kitchen surfaces, equipment, and storage areas for cleanliness. Use the app to record observations and attach photos where necessary.
  2. Equipment Maintenance:
    • Check that equipment is clean and functioning properly. Use the app to note any maintenance issues or malfunctions.
  3. Pest Control:
    • Look for signs of pests and verify pest control measures. Document findings and take photos if evidence is present.

C. Food Storage

  1. Refrigeration:
    • Check refrigerator and freezer temperatures using a thermometer. Enter the readings into the app and ensure they are within safe ranges.
    • Ensure proper food storage practices. Use the app to record observations and label issues.
  2. Labeling:
    • Confirm that food items are labeled with use-by dates and stored correctly. Note any labeling issues in the app.

D. Food Handling and Preparation

  1. Temperature Control:
    • Measure food temperatures with a thermometer and record them in the app. Ensure they meet safety standards.
    • Verify that cooking and reheating procedures are followed.
  2. Thawing and Cooking:
    • Check thawing and cooking practices. Document any deviations from proper procedures using the app.

E. Hygiene Facilities

  1. Handwashing Stations:
    • Inspect handwashing facilities to ensure they are equipped with soap, hot water, and paper towels. Record findings in the app.
  2. Sanitization:
    • Check that sanitizers are used correctly. Document sanitization practices and any issues in the app.

4. Finalize the Inspection

  1. Review Data:
    • Review the data entered into the app. Ensure that all observations are complete and accurate.
  2. Generate Report:
    • Use the eAuditor Audits & Inspections app to generate a detailed inspection report. This report will include your findings, any non-compliances, and recommendations for improvement.
  3. Submit Report:
    • Submit the inspection report through the eAuditor Audits & Inspections app. It may be sent to a central database or shared with relevant personnel.
  4. Action Plan:
    • Discuss any critical issues or non-compliances with canteen management. Develop an action plan to address these issues and schedule follow-up inspections if needed.

5. Follow-Up


Schedule Re-Inspection:

      • Plan follow-up inspections to ensure that corrective actions have been implemented and compliance is maintained.
      • Provide Training:
        • If necessary, provide additional training or resources to address specific issues identified during the inspection.

Using a eAuditor Audits & Inspections for inspections can enhance efficiency, ensure thorough documentation, and help maintain high standards of hygiene in the canteen.

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