eAuditor Audits & Inspections

Lifting & Back Safety Checklist

Lifting & back safety checks are crucial for preventing injuries in the workplace and during everyday activities. Here’s a comprehensive guide on proper lifting & back safety checklist:

Lifting & Back Safety Checks

Before Lifting:

  1. Assess the Load:
    • Check the weight of the object.
    • Determine if the load is too heavy or awkward to lift alone.
    • Use mechanical aids or ask for help if needed.
  2. Plan the Lift:
    • Clear the path to the destination.
    • Ensure you have a firm footing and there are no obstructions.
    • Decide on the best lifting technique.
  3. Warm Up:
    • Perform gentle stretches to warm up your muscles.
    • Focus on your back, legs, and arms.

During Lifting:

  1. Correct Posture:
    • Stand close to the object with your feet shoulder-width apart.
    • Bend your knees and hips, not your back.
    • Keep your back straight and your head up.
  2. Lifting Technique:
    • Grip the object firmly with both hands.
    • Lift smoothly using your leg muscles, not your back.
    • Keep the object close to your body.
  3. Avoid Twisting:
    • Turn with your feet, not your torso.
    • Move your feet to change direction instead of twisting your back.

While Carrying:

  1. Hold the Load Properly:
    • Keep the load close to your body.
    • Balance the weight evenly.
  2. Maintain Posture:
    • Keep your back straight and avoid slouching.
    • Walk steadily and avoid sudden movements.

Setting Down the Load:

  1. Lowering the Load:
    • Bend your knees and hips, keeping your back straight.
    • Place the load down smoothly.
  2. Releasing:
    • Ensure the load is stable before releasing it.
    • Avoid dropping the load to prevent injury or damage.

Back Safety Practices:

  1. Regular Exercise:
    • Strengthen your back and core muscles through regular exercise.
    • Incorporate stretching and flexibility exercises.
  2. Ergonomic Workspace:
    • Adjust your workstation to maintain a neutral spine position.
    • Use chairs with proper lumbar support.
  3. Take Breaks:
    • Avoid prolonged sitting or standing.
    • Take regular breaks to stretch and change positions.
  4. Proper Footwear:
    • Wear supportive shoes to maintain balance and reduce strain.
  5. Training:
    • Attend training sessions on proper lifting techniques and back safety.
    • Stay updated with safety guidelines and best practices.

Lifting & Back Safety Checks

Lifting & Back Safety Checklist

General Information

  • Inspection Date: [Date]
  • Inspector Name: [Name]
  • Location: [Location]

Pre-Lift Assessment

  • Is the load weight assessed?
    • Yes / No
  • Is the load within the safe lifting capacity?
    • Yes / No
  • Is the load easy to grip and stable?
    • Yes / No
  • Is the path to the destination clear of obstacles?
    • Yes / No
  • Is assistance or mechanical aid required?
    • Yes / No

Lifting Technique

  • Are feet positioned shoulder-width apart?
    • Yes / No
  • Are knees bent while lifting, avoiding bending at the waist?
    • Yes / No
  • Is the back kept straight, maintaining its natural curve?
    • Yes / No
  • Is a firm grip on the load maintained with both hands?
    • Yes / No
  • Is the load lifted using the strength of the legs, not the back?
    • Yes / No
  • Is the load held close to the body during lifting?
    • Yes / No
  • Is twisting avoided by turning the whole body with the feet?
    • Yes / No

Lowering Technique

  • Are knees bent while lowering the load?
    • Yes / No
  • Is the back kept straight during the lowering process?
    • Yes / No
  • Is the load lowered slowly and carefully?
    • Yes / No

Post-Lift Actions

  • Is the load placed securely in its destination?
    • Yes / No
  • Are there any signs of strain or injury reported?
    • Yes / No
  • Is the area left tidy and free of hazards?
    • Yes / No

Back Safety Practices

  • Is proper posture maintained while standing and sitting?
    • Yes / No
  • Are regular breaks taken to stand, stretch, and move around?
    • Yes / No
  • Are ergonomic tools and equipment used where applicable?
    • Yes / No
  • Are assistive devices available and used when needed?
    • Yes / No
  • Is supportive footwear worn?
    • Yes / No
  • Are employees trained in lifting techniques and back safety?
    • Yes / No

Core and Flexibility Exercises

  • Are core strengthening exercises performed regularly?
    • Yes / No
  • Are stretching exercises performed regularly to maintain flexibility?
    • Yes / No

Incident Reporting

  • Were there any incidents or near-misses during lifting activities?
    • Yes / No
    • If Yes, provide details: [Description]

Additional Comments

  • Comments or Observations: [Text]


  • Inspector Signature: [Signature]
  • Date: [Date]

Lifting & Back Safety checklist with eAuditor Audits & Inspections

Lifting & Back Safety Checks

  1. Create a Template: Use Lifting & back safety checks checklist to create a template in eAuditor.
  2. Assign Inspections: Schedule regular inspections and assign them to relevant personnel.
  3. Conduct Inspections: Inspectors use mobile devices to conduct inspections, following the checklist.
  4. Record Findings: Document findings, including photos and notes, directly in eAuditor.
  5. Review and Act: Review inspection reports, address any issues, and take corrective actions as needed.
  6. Generate Reports: Use eAuditor to generate reports for analysis and compliance records.

By using Lifting & back safety checks checklist and integrating it into eAuditor, you can ensure a systematic approach to lifting and back safety, promoting a safer working environment.



Incorporating a eAuditor Audits & Inspections for lifting & back safety checks can significantly improve adherence to best practices, reduce the risk of injuries, and promote overall back health. The combination of real-time guidance, educational resources, and personalized feedback makes it an invaluable tool for anyone involved in lifting activities.

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