eAuditor Audits & Inspections

FSSC 22000 Version 5 Audit Checklist

FSSC 22000 Version 5 audit checklist is a comprehensive tool designed to help food manufacturers and related organizations ensure compliance with the requirements of the Food Safety System Certification (FSSC) 22000 standard. The FSSC 22000 integrates ISO 22000:2018 with additional requirements specific to FSSC. The FSSC 22000 Version 5 audit (Food Safety System Certification) is a critical assessment process for organizations in the food supply chain. This audit ensures that the organization complies with the latest food safety management standards. Using tools like eAuditor for this audit can significantly streamline the process by allowing digital checklists, real-time data collection, and reporting.

FSSC Version Audit Checklist


Below is a checklist that covers the main components of an FSSC 22000 Version 5 audit:

1. Management Commitment and Responsibility

  • 1.1 Food Safety Policy

    • Is there a documented food safety policy?
    • Is the food safety policy communicated and understood within the organization?
  • 1.2 Management Commitment

    • Does top management demonstrate commitment to food safety?
    • Are there resources to establish, implement, maintain, and update the food safety management system (FSMS)?
  • 1.3 Food Safety Objectives

    • Are food safety objectives established, measurable, and aligned with the food safety policy?
    • Are these objectives monitored and reviewed regularly?
  • 1.4 Communication

    • Are there effective communication processes in place for internal and external communications related to food safety?
  • 1.5 Management Review

    • Is there a scheduled management review of the FSMS?
    • Are inputs and outputs of the management review documented and actions implemented?

2. Planning and Realization of Safe Products

  • 2.1 Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP)

    • Are all products and processes a hazard analysis conducted for ?
    • Are critical control points (CCPs) identified and monitored?
    • Has control measures validated and verified?
  • 2.2 Prerequisite Programs (PRPs)

    • Are PRPs established and implemented (e.g., cleaning and sanitation, pest control, personal hygiene)?
    • Are PRPs regularly reviewed and updated?
  • 2.3 Product Specifications

    • Are product specifications documented, reviewed, and communicated?
    • Do they include requirements for raw materials, packaging, and finished products?
  • 2.4 Supplier Management

    • Are suppliers evaluated and approved based on their ability to meet product and food safety requirements?
    • Is there a process for monitoring and re-evaluating suppliers?
  • 2.5 Allergen Management

    • Is there an allergen management program in place?
    • Are potential allergens identified, controlled, and communicated on labels?

3. Validation, Verification, and Improvement of the FSMS

  • 3.1 Validation of Control Measures

    • Are control measures validated to ensure they are capable of achieving the intended control?
  • 3.2 Verification Activities

    • Are verification activities conducted to ensure the FSMS is effective?
    • Are records of verification activities maintained?
  • 3.3 Internal Audits

    • Is there a documented internal audit program?
    • Are internal audits conducted regularly to assess the FSMS?
  • 3.4 Nonconformities and Corrective Actions

    • Are nonconformities identified and documented?
    • Are corrective actions taken to address nonconformities, and are they effective?
  • 3.5 Continual Improvement

    • Are opportunities for improvement identified and implemented?
    • Is there evidence of continual improvement in the FSMS?

4. Additional FSSC 22000 Requirements

  • 4.1 Food Fraud Prevention

    • Is there a food fraud vulnerability assessment and mitigation plan in place?
    • Are measures implemented to prevent food fraud?
  • 4.2 Food Defense

    • Is there a documented food defense plan?
    • Are measures implemented to protect the facility from intentional contamination?
  • 4.3 Environmental Monitoring

    • Is there an environmental monitoring program (EMP) for the detection of pathogens or spoilage organisms?
    • Are the results of the EMP regularly reviewed and actions taken if needed?
  • 4.4 Management of Services

    • Are services (e.g., pest control, cleaning, waste management) managed to ensure they do not compromise food safety?
    • Are service providers evaluated for their ability to meet food safety requirements?

5. Documentation and Record Keeping

  • 5.1 Document Control

    • Are all documents required by the FSMS controlled and properly maintained?
    • Are obsolete documents promptly removed from all points of use?
  • 5.2 Record Keeping

    • Are records maintained as evidence of conformity and effective operation of the FSMS?
    • Are records legible, readily identifiable, and retrievable?

6. Training and Competence

  • 6.1 Training Programs

    • Are training needs identified for all personnel affecting food safety?
    • Is training provided, documented, and evaluated for effectiveness?
  • 6.2 Competence and Awareness

    • Are personnel aware of the relevance and importance of their activities in food safety?
    • Is there evidence of competence in food safety practices?

7. Control of Monitoring and Measuring

  • 7.1 Calibration and Verification of Equipment

    • Are monitoring and measuring devices calibrated and verified regularly?
    • Are calibration records maintained, and are actions taken if devices are found out of calibration?
  • 7.2 Monitoring and Measuring

    • Are monitoring and measuring procedures clearly defined and followed?
    • Are results of monitoring and measuring activities reviewed and acted upon when necessary?

8. Emergency Preparedness and Response

  • 8.1 Emergency Plan

    • Is there an emergency preparedness and response plan?
    • Are potential emergency situations identified and plans documented?
  • 8.2 Testing of Emergency Plans

    • Are emergency plans tested regularly, and are results documented?
    • Are corrective actions taken based on the outcomes of these tests?

This checklist serves as a guide to help assess whether an organization’s food safety management system complies with the FSSC 22000 Version 5 standard. It can be tailored to specific business processes and products within the food industry.

FSSC 22000 Version 5 Audit using eAuditor Audits & Inspection Checklist

FSSC Version Audit Checklist

Creating an FSSC 22000 Version 5 audit checklist for use with a eAuditor Audits & Inspection involves tailoring the checklist to the digital environment, ensuring ease of use, real-time data capture, and the ability to manage tasks on the go. Below is a structured checklist that can be implemented in a eAuditor Audits & Inspection for conducting an FSSC 22000 Version 5 audit:

Steps to Conduct the Audit



Understand the Requirements

Review the FSSC 22000 Version 5 requirements, including ISO 22000:2018, applicable PRPs (Pre-Requisite Programs), and additional FSSC requirements.

Create or Import Checklists

If you don’t have a pre-built checklist for FSSC 22000, you can create one in eAuditor or import a template. Ensure that the checklist covers all critical areas, including management responsibility, food safety policy, hazard analysis, PRPs, and validation and verification processes.

Setting Up the eAuditor App


Customize the Checklist

Adjust the template in eAuditor to match your organization’s specific needs. You can add, remove, or modify checklist items as necessary.

Assign Auditors and Schedule Audits

Assign team members to specific areas or processes and schedule audit dates using the scheduling feature in eAuditor.

Conducting the Audit


Perform On-Site Audits

Use eAuditor to conduct the audit on-site. Auditors can collect evidence, take photos, and add notes directly in the app.

Non-Conformance Tracking

eAuditor allows you to record and categorize non-conformances. You can assign corrective actions to team members directly from the app.

Real-Time Data Collection

The app allows for real-time data collection and reporting, which is essential for identifying issues immediately and taking quick corrective actions.

Post-Audit Activities


Generate Reports

After completing the audit, eAuditor can generate comprehensive reports that summarize findings, non-conformances, and corrective actions.

Review and Analyze

Analyze the audit results to identify trends, areas for improvement, and strengths. Share the results with relevant stakeholders.

Corrective Actions and Follow-Up

Monitor the progress of corrective actions within eAuditor. Ensure that all non-conformances are addressed and resolved.

Continuous Improvement

    • Use the insights gained from the audit to improve your food safety management system. Regularly update your eAuditor checklists to reflect any changes in FSSC 22000 requirements or organizational processes.

Benefits of Using eAuditor for FSSC 22000 Audits

  • Efficiency

Speeds up the audit process by digitizing checklists and reporting.


  • Accuracy

    Reduces human errors in data collection and reporting.



  • Compliance

    Ensures that all audit data is securely stored and easily accessible for certification purposes.



  • Real-Time Monitoring

    Allows for immediate response to non-conformances.


Using eAuditor for your FSSC 22000 Version 5 audit simplifies the process and helps maintain compliance with food safety standards.

FSSC Version Audit Checklist

This eAuditor Audits & Inspection checklist provides a structured approach to conducting an FSSC 22000 Version 5 audit, making it easier to document, track, and report on compliance in real-time. The app’s features, such as data capture, reminders, and report generation, help streamline the audit process and ensure thoroughness.


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