eAuditor Audits & Inspections

VACCP Checklist

A Vulnerability Assessment Critical Control Point VACCP checklist helps identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities within the supply chain or production process, especially concerning food fraud. Using eAuditor Audits & Inspections, a digital inspection app, allows for efficient completion, tracking, and reporting of these assessments. Here’s a basic framework for a VACCP checklist:

VACCP Checklist

VACCP Checklist Template for eAuditor Audits & Inspections

General Information

  • Date of Assessment
  • Location of Assessment
  • Name of Assessor
  • Product Assessed
  • Supplier(s)

Step 1: Identify Potential Vulnerabilities

  • Ingredient/Product:
    • What is the primary ingredient or product?
    • Is the product high value or at risk of fraud?
    • Does this product have a complex supply chain?
  • Source of Vulnerability:
    • Are there any previous instances of fraud or contamination in this product category?
    • Are there vulnerable suppliers or points in the supply chain?
  • Vulnerable Points in the Process:
    • Are raw materials susceptible to substitution, dilution, or misrepresentation?
    • Are there points in the process where integrity could be compromised (e.g., during transport or storage)?

Step 2: Assess Supplier Controls

  • Supplier Vulnerability:
    • Do suppliers have documented food fraud prevention programs?
    • Do suppliers conduct regular vulnerability assessments?
  • Supplier Verification:
    • Are certifications up to date (e.g., Global Food Safety Initiative)?
    • Are audit results from suppliers available and satisfactory?

Step 3: Evaluate Control Measures

  • Existing Control Measures:
    • Are there adequate controls in place to prevent adulteration or substitution?
    • Is there a system in place to trace the ingredients or products?
  • Testing and Analysis:
    • Are authenticity tests performed regularly?
    • What is the frequency of quality control checks on ingredients?
  • Documentation and Traceability:
    • Are records of product traceability maintained?
    • Are there standardized procedures for investigating supply chain vulnerabilities?

Step 4: Identify and Prioritize Risks

  • Risk Rating:
    • Rate the likelihood of product vulnerability (Low/Medium/High).
    • Rate the severity of impact if the vulnerability were to be exploited (Low/Medium/High).
  • Critical Control Points:
    • Are there points in the supply chain or production process where interventions are necessary?
    • What steps can you take to mitigate identified vulnerabilities?

VACCP Checklist

Step 5: Mitigation Plan

  • Corrective Actions:
    • What actions are necessary to address high-risk vulnerabilities?
    • Who is responsible for implementing corrective actions?
  • Timeline:
    • Establish a timeline to complete for corrective actions.

Step 6: Review and Update

  • Follow-up Inspections:
    • Are follow-up inspections scheduled?
    • How often will the VACCP plan be reviewed and updated?

Sign-off and Approval

  • Assessor’s Signature: ______________________
  • Manager’s Approval: ______________________
  • Date of Approval: ______________________

How to Use This Template in eAuditor Audits & Inspections:

VACCP Checklist

  1. Create a Custom Checklist: Use eAuditor Audits & Inspections’ template editor to input each section above into your custom checklist.
  2. Assign Tasks: Assign inspection tasks to team members and track progress.
  3. Upload Supporting Documents: Attach certificates, audit reports, and relevant documents for verification.
  4. Automate Reports: After each inspection, automatically generate detailed reports and share them with stakeholders.
  5. Schedule Inspections: Use eAuditor Audits & Inspections’s scheduling feature to set regular assessments.

This template helps ensure a systematic approach to identifying and addressing vulnerabilities, promoting food safety and integrity within the organization.



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