eAuditor Audits & Inspections

Retail Store Mystery Shopper Checklist

Creating a Mystery Shopper Checklist for a retail store using eAuditor Audits & Inspections (a mobile auditing tool) will help evaluate customer service, store cleanliness, product availability, and overall store presentation. Below is a sample template for a Retail Store Mystery Shopper Checklist designed for use with eAuditor Audits & Inspections:

Retail Store Mystery Shopper Checklist

Retail Store Mystery Shopper Checklist

1. General Information

  • Date and Time of Visit:
  • Store Location:
  • Store Name:
  • Mystery Shopper Name:

2. Exterior of the Store

  • Is the parking area clean and well-maintained? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Are store signs visible, properly lit, and clean? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Are store windows clean and free of obstructions? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Are any promotions or advertisements displayed outside? (Yes/No/Comments)

3. Store Entrance

  • Is the entrance clean and well-maintained? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Were automatic doors functioning properly? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Were shopping carts/trolleys available and in good condition? (Yes/No/Comments)

4. Store Cleanliness and Maintenance

  • Is the store clean and free of debris? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Are the floors free of spills and hazards? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Are shelves and displays clean and organized? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Are public restrooms clean, stocked, and well-maintained? (Yes/No/Comments)

5. Customer Service

  • Did someone greet you upon entering the store? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Was staff approachable and available when needed? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Did staff acknowledge you within 30 seconds of approaching? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Did staff provide helpful and knowledgeable assistance? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Were the staff dressed appropriately and neatly? (Yes/No/Comments)

Retail Store Mystery Shopper Checklist

6. Product Availability and Pricing

  • Were all advertised products available in-store? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Were shelves stocked properly and not empty? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Were price tags clearly visible and accurate? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Were promotions or discounts clearly labeled and explained? (Yes/No/Comments)

7. Checkout Process

  • Were enough registers open for the number of customers? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Did the cashier greet you at the register? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Was the checkout process quick and efficient? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Were you offered assistance with packing or additional services? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Were you asked for feedback or to participate in a customer survey? (Yes/No/Comments)

8. Store Ambiance

  • Was the store well-lit and comfortable? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Was background music appropriate and at a comfortable volume? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Were in-store announcements clear and professional? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Was the temperature inside the store comfortable? (Yes/No/Comments)

9. COVID-19 Safety Protocols (if applicable)

  • Were staff wearing masks correctly? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Were hand sanitizing stations available and functional? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Was social distancing being enforced or promoted? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Were any additional COVID-19 guidelines clearly communicated? (Yes/No/Comments)

10. Additional Observations

  • Any other observations or recommendations? (Comments)

11. Overall Experience

  • How would you rate your overall experience? (1-5 stars)
  • Would you return to this store? (Yes/No/Comments)
  • Would you recommend this store to others? (Yes/No/Comments)

Retail Store Mystery Shopper Checklist

This checklist can be easily tailored to meet the specific needs of the retail store, and iAuditor can be configured to allow for easy data entry, photo uploads, and scoring based on shopper responses.


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