eAuditor Audits & Inspections

School Dormitory Inspection Checklist

Creating a School Dormitory Inspection Checklist using eAuditor Audits & Inspections involves identifying key areas that need regular inspection to ensure safety, cleanliness, and compliance with regulations. Here’s a general outline of what the checklist might include: School Dormitory Inspection Checklist

1. General Information

  • Inspection Date:
  • Inspector Name:
  • Dormitory Name/Number:
  • Number of Rooms Inspected:

2. Fire Safety

  • Fire Extinguishers
    • Are fire extinguishers easily accessible and fully charged?
    • Is the inspection tag up-to-date?
  • Smoke Detectors
    • Are all smoke detectors functional?
    • Is there evidence of tampering?
  • Emergency Exits
    • Are all emergency exits clearly marked and unobstructed?
    • Is there adequate emergency lighting?

3. Electrical Safety

  • Outlets and Switches
    • Are all outlets and switches in good working condition?
    • Are outlet covers intact?
  • Electrical Cords
    • Are electrical cords free from fraying or damage?
    • Are cords properly secured and not creating trip hazards?
  • Appliances
    • Are all dormitory appliances (microwave, refrigerator, etc.) in safe working order?
    • Are there any unauthorized appliances in use?

4. Health and Hygiene

  • Cleanliness
    • Are the common areas, including bathrooms and kitchens, clean?
    • Is there any evidence of pest infestations (e.g., rodents, insects)?
  • Waste Disposal
    • Are garbage bins available and regularly emptied?
    • Is waste being disposed of properly?
  • Laundry Facilities
    • Are laundry facilities clean and in good working order?
    • Are dryer vents clear of lint buildup?

5. Structural Safety

  • Doors and Windows
    • Are doors and windows secure and functional?
    • Are window screens intact?
  • Walls and Ceilings
    • Are there any signs of water damage or mold?
    • Are there any cracks or damage to walls or ceilings?
  • Floors
    • Are floors free from damage, including cracks or loose tiles?
    • Are carpets or rugs secured and free from trip hazards?

School Dormitory Inspection Checklist

6. Security

  • Access Control
    • Are all entrances and exits secure?
    • Are security cameras functional (if applicable)?
  • Locks
    • Are room and common area locks functioning correctly?
    • Are master keys stored securely?

7. Amenities

  • Furniture
    • Is all dormitory furniture in good condition?
    • Are mattresses clean and in good condition?
  • Lighting
    • Is the lighting adequate in all areas?
    • Are all light fixtures operational?

8. Documentation

  • Emergency Contact Information
    • Is emergency contact information posted and up-to-date?
  • Inspection Records
    • Are previous inspection records available and reviewed?

9. Notes and Observations

  • Additional Comments:
  • Actions Required:
  • Follow-Up Inspection Date:

10. Inspector Signature

  • Inspector’s Signature:
  • Date:

Using eAuditor Audits & Inspections

School Dormitory Inspection Checklist

eAuditor Audits & Inspections allows you to customize School Dormitory Inspection Checklist, add specific criteria, set automatic scoring, and assign corrective actions directly from the app. You can also attach photos, create reports, and schedule regular inspections.

To get started, you would:

  1. Create a New Template: Using the eAuditor Audits & Inspections app, create a new School Dormitory Inspection Checklist or use existing School Dormitory Inspection Checklist template.
  2. Add Sections: Divide the checklist into sections (e.g., Fire Safety, Health and Hygiene).
  3. Add Items: For each section, add specific inspection items.
  4. Set Response Types: Use options like Yes/No, Pass/Fail, or add comments.
  5. Assign Scores: If desired, assign scores to different items to quantify the inspection.
  6. Test and Use: Run a test inspection to ensure everything works, then start using it regularly.


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