eAuditor Audits & Inspections

Care Home General Observation Checklist

Care Home General Observation Checklist using eAuditor Audits & Inspections helps ensure that routine inspections and observations in the care home are thorough and consistent. This checklist can be used during walk-throughs by managers, auditors, or care staff to ensure that the care environment is safe, clean, and that residents are receiving proper care.

Care Home General Observation

Here is a Care Home General Observation Checklist template you can adapt for use in eAuditor Audits & Inspections:

1. General Information

  • Date of Observation
  • Observer’s Name
  • Care Home Name
  • Location (Ward/Room)

2. Environment and Cleanliness

  • Are resident rooms clean, tidy, and free from hazards?
  • Are common areas (lounges, dining rooms) clean and well-maintained?
  • Does facility dispose waste, including clinical waste, correctly and safely?
  • Are there any unpleasant odors in the facility?
  • Are floors clean, dry, and free from obstacles (e.g., spills, clutter)?
  • Does facility maintain hand hygiene stations (hand sanitizers) properly?
  • Are bathrooms and toilets clean, accessible, and in working order?
  • Are laundry areas clean, and is laundry stored appropriately?

3. Safety and Security

  • Does facility label fire exits clear, properly  and accessible?
  • Are fire alarms and smoke detectors in working condition?
  • Does facility keep emergency lighting systems functional?
  • Is there a visible evacuation plan in place?
  • Does facility store all chemicals and cleaning supplies securely?
  • Are there functioning door alarms or secure access systems in place?
  • Does facility maintain window restrictors where required?
  • Are staff and visitors signing in and out as per policy?

4. Resident Well-being

  • Are residents observed to be clean, comfortable, and well-groomed?
  • Do residents appear comfortable and free from distress?
  • Are residents appropriately dressed for the time of day and weather?
  • Are mobility aids (e.g., walkers, wheelchairs) in good condition and accessible to residents?
  • Is there evidence of residents being provided with drinks or snacks throughout the day?
  • Are call bells within reach for residents, and are they functioning?
  • Does facility engage residents in activities or social interaction?

5. Staff Interaction and Care

  • Are staff respectful and polite in their interactions with residents?
  • Are staff actively engaging with residents (e.g., helping with mobility, offering assistance)?
  • Do staff respond promptly to call bells or resident needs?
  • Are staff wearing appropriate uniforms and identification?
  • Does facility staff observe following hygiene protocols (e.g., handwashing, wearing PPE)?
  • Is there visible leadership (manager or senior staff present and overseeing care)?
  • Are staff adequately attending to residents’ dietary and hydration needs?

6. Medication Management

  • Does facility staff store medications securely in locked cabinets or trolleys?
  • Are medication administration records (MAR) up-to-date and accurate?
  • Are medications prepared and administered correctly to residents?
  • Is medication disposal handled according to protocols (expired or unused meds)?
  • Are medication errors reported and documented appropriately?

Care Home General Observation

7. Infection Control

  • Are staff following infection control protocols (e.g., PPE use, hand hygiene)?
  • Are resident rooms and common areas cleaned regularly to prevent infections?
  • Is personal protective equipment (PPE) available and used appropriately?
  • Are isolation precautions in place for residents with contagious conditions?
  • Does care home follow policies on infection control (e.g., vaccinations, testing)?
  • Is there a system for reporting and managing outbreaks of infections?

8. Food and Nutrition

  • Are dietary restrictions and preferences of residents documented and respected?
  • Are meals served on time and in appropriate portions?
  • Is the food presented well, and does it appear nutritious and appetizing?
  • Are residents being assisted with meals if necessary?
  • Are drinks readily available to residents at all times?
  • Is the kitchen area clean, organized, and compliant with food safety standards?
  • Are snacks available for residents between meals?

9. Maintenance and Equipment

  • Are lights, heating, and ventilation systems in working condition?
  • Are lifts and stairlifts working correctly?
  • Does facility keep beds, hoists, and other equipment functional and safe to use?
  • Is there a process for reporting and addressing maintenance issues?
  • Are outdoor areas (gardens, walkways) safe, clean, and accessible for residents?

10. Documentation and Record-Keeping

  • Are care plans up-to-date and accessible to staff?
  • Does facility staff complete daily notes and observations accurately and on time?
  • Are incident reports (accidents, falls) documented correctly?
  • Does facility record staff handovers and carry out effectively?
  • Is there a system for tracking staff training and competency?
  • Are resident assessments (mobility, dietary, medical) updated regularly?

11. Resident Feedback

  • Do residents appear satisfied with the care and support they receive?
  • Are any complaints or concerns from residents documented and followed up?
  • Does facility involve residents and families in care decisions?
  • Is there a regular feedback system in place for residents and their families?

12. Summary of Findings

  • Overall Status of Care Home: (Satisfactory, Needs Improvement, Non-compliant)
  • Notable Issues/Concerns Observed:
    • (List specific observations and areas of concern)
  • Follow-up Actions Required:
    • (List actions needed and responsible person/department)
  • Deadline for Corrective Actions:
  • Signature of Observer:
  • Signature of Care Home Manager:

Care Home General Observation

This Care Home General Observation Checklist for a care home can be customized further depending on the specific care home policies, local regulations, or areas needing closer observation. eAuditor Audits & Inspections’ digital platform allows for automated reporting, action assignments, and real-time updates, making it easier to ensure compliance and follow-up on any issues identified during the observations.

eAuditor Audits & Inspections is a powerful tool for performing digital inspections and tracking compliance in care homes. Below are the steps to follow when conducting a Care Home General Observation inspection using eAuditor Audits & Inspections:

1. Set Up the eAuditor Audits & Inspections Care Home General Observation Template

  • Create or Import Care Home General Observation Template:
    • If you already have a Care Home General Observation checklist, you can import it into eAuditor Audits & Inspections, or create a new template using the pre-existing checklist features.
    • Care Home General Observation Templates can be customized to suit specific care home needs (cleanliness, safety, infection control, etc.).
  • Organize Sections:
    • Break down your template into categories (e.g., hygiene, resident care, safety, environment).

2. Pre-Inspection Preparation

  • Ensure You Have the Right Equipment:
    • Before starting the inspection, ensure you have access to a mobile device (tablet or phone) with the eAuditor Audits & Inspections app installed and the checklist loaded.
    • Have access to any necessary PPE if your inspection involves close contact with residents or areas that require infection control measures.
  • Gather Necessary Information:
    • Review past inspection reports to identify any recurring issues or areas needing follow-up.

3. Conduct the Inspection

  • Start Inspection on eAuditor Audits & Inspections:
    • Open the app and start a new inspection using the appropriate template. Name your inspection for easy reference (e.g., “September 2024 General Inspection”).
  • Observe and Assess Each Area:
    • General Cleanliness: Inspect common areas, resident rooms, bathrooms, and kitchens. Check for cleanliness, clutter, and the availability of supplies (soap, sanitizers).
    • Safety: Check fire exits, alarms, security systems, and ensure that walking areas are free of slip/trip hazards.
    • Resident Care: Observe if residents are well cared for, dressed appropriately, and receiving proper meals, medication, and assistance.
    • Staff Conduct: Evaluate staff behavior, compliance with care protocols, and whether they are adhering to safety and hygiene guidelines.
  • Record Observations in eAuditor Audits & Inspections:
    • As you inspect, log your findings in the app by checking off items on the checklist, taking notes, and adding photos to document any issues or areas of concern.
    • For non-compliant areas, use the “Fail” option and provide details (e.g., reasons for failure, corrective actions needed).

4. Take Corrective Actions (if needed)

  • Create Action Items in eAuditor Audits & Inspections:
    • For any issues identified, assign corrective actions to specific staff members through the app. Set due dates and priorities for addressing these items.
    • eAuditor Audits & Inspections allows you to send notifications to staff directly, ensuring quick follow-up on urgent issues.
  • Immediate Resolution:
    • If there are minor issues that can be resolved on the spot (e.g., restocking soap or clearing clutter), document that the issue was addressed immediately.

5. Review and Finalize Inspection

  • Review Inspection Findings:
    • Go through all the items checked, ensuring that nothing is missed. If necessary, add any additional comments or actions.
  • Sign and Submit the Inspection:
    • Once complete, finalize the report by digitally signing it and submitting it through the eAuditor Audits & Inspections platform.
    • Reports can be sent automatically to management or key stakeholders via email for review.

6. Generate and Share Reports

  • Generate a PDF Report:
    • eAuditor Audits & Inspections allows you to automatically generate professional reports with all your findings, notes, photos, and action items.
    • Share the report with relevant staff members, supervisors, or management.
  • Save and Archive the Inspection:
    • Save your completed inspection in eAuditor Audits & Inspections’ cloud storage for future reference or audits. You can also set reminders for follow-up inspections based on recurring issues.

7. Follow-Up on Action Items

  • Track Corrective Actions:
    • Use eAuditor Audits & Inspections to monitor the progress of corrective actions. The app can notify you when issues have been resolved or if they remain outstanding.
  • Schedule Follow-Up Inspections:
    • Schedule and conduct follow-up inspections to ensure that all identified issues have been addressed properly.

8. Analyze Trends and Improvements

  • Data Analysis:
    • Over time, use eAuditor Audits & Inspections’ analytics feature to review trends in your inspections. Identify recurring issues and areas of improvement.
  • Continuous Improvement:
    • Based on the data collected, work with the care home management to implement long-term improvements in areas like hygiene, resident care, and safety.

Using eAuditor Audits & Inspections streamlines the inspection process, allowing for real-time data entry, efficient reporting, and ongoing follow-up of corrective actions, which is critical in maintaining compliance and ensuring a safe environment for care home residents.



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