BRC Audit Clause 2 Checklist
BRC Audit Clause 2 – Global Standard for Food Safety pertains to the Food Safety Plan.
Here’s a checklist that auditors could use to inspect compliance with Clause 2:
Food Safety Plan Documentation
- Is there a documented food safety plan in place?
- Does the food safety plan cover all stages of the production process, from receipt of raw materials to distribution of finished products?
- Are procedures documented for hazard identification, risk assessment, and control measures?
Hazard Analysis
- Has a hazard analysis been conducted to identify potential biological, chemical, and physical hazards associated with the production process?
- Are all relevant hazards considered, including allergens, microbiological contaminants, chemical residues, foreign objects, and process-related hazards?
Risk Assessment
- Have risks associated with identified hazards been assessed, considering factors such as likelihood of occurrence, severity of consequences, and existing control measures?
- Are risks prioritized based on their significance to food safety and the potential impact on consumers?
Preventive Controls
- Are preventive controls implemented to prevent, eliminate, or reduce hazards to acceptable levels?
- Is Critical Control Point (CCPs) identified and monitored to ensure effective control of hazards?
- Are Critical Limits (CLs) established for each CCP, specifying the maximum or minimum values that must be met to ensure food safety?
Monitoring Procedures
- Are procedures in place for monitoring CCPs and other critical control measures?
- Are monitoring activities conducted regularly and documented as required?
- Is equipment calibrated and maintained to ensure accurate monitoring of critical parameters?
Corrective Actions
- Are procedures established for taking corrective actions in response to deviations from critical limits or other food safety requirements?
- Are corrective actions documented, including root cause analysis, corrective measures taken, and verification of effectiveness?
Verification and Validation
- Are verification procedures in place to ensure that preventive controls and monitoring activities are effective in controlling hazards?
- Are validation studies conducted to verify the adequacy of control measures and the effectiveness of the food safety plan?
- Is verification and validation activities documented and maintained for review?
Documentation and Records
- Is every single aspect of the food safety plan documented, including hazard analysis, risk assessment, preventive controls, monitoring procedures, corrective actions, verification, and validation?
- Are records maintained in a manner that allows for traceability and accountability?
- Are records retained for the specified retention period as required by BRC standards?
Review and Update
- Is the food safety plan reviewed and updated regularly to reflect changes in processes, products, hazards, regulations, and industry best practices?
- Is there a process for conducting management reviews to evaluate the effectiveness of the food safety plan and drive continuous improvement?
By using this BRC Audit Clause 2 checklist, auditors can systematically evaluate compliance with Clause 2 of the BRC Global Standard for Food Safety and ensure that food safety plans are effectively implemented within the food production facility.
eAuditor Audits & Inspections for conducting BRC Audit Clause 2 Checklist inspections for Food Safety can significantly streamline the process and enhance efficiency. Here’s how such an app might function:
Checklist Creation
- eAuditor Audits & Inspections provides a digital BRC Audit Clause 2 checklist based on the requirements of Clause 2, covering all aspects of the food safety plan, including hazard analysis, risk assessment, preventive controls, monitoring procedures, corrective actions, verification, validation, documentation, and records and allows users to customize the checklist based on specific audit requirements or industry sector.
Data Input
- eAuditor Audits & Inspections enables auditors to input inspection data directly into the app, including responses to checklist items, observations, comments, and photo documentation and provides options for attaching documents, records, and evidence related to the food safety plan.
GPS Integration
- eAuditor Audits & Inspections can incorporate GPS functionality to tag the location of inspections, providing a geospatial context for audit findings and observations.
Notification and Alerts
- eAuditor Audits & Inspections sends notifications and alerts to auditors for upcoming inspections and overdue tasks.
Reporting and Documentation
- eAuditor Audits & Inspections generates comprehensive inspection reports summarizing audit findings, observations, non-conformities, and recommendations.
- eAuditor Audits & Inspections can include sections for documenting hazard analysis results, risk assessment findings, control measures, corrective actions, verification results, validation studies, and records maintenance.
- eAuditor Audits & Inspections allows users to export reports in various formats (e.g., PDF) for sharing with stakeholders, regulatory authorities, or customers.
Corrective Actions and Follow-Up
- eAuditor Audits & Inspections premium version can track corrective actions resulting from audit findings, including assignment of responsibilities, due dates as well as monitor the implementation of corrective actions and conduct follow-up inspections to verify effectiveness and closure of non-conformities.
Security and Compliance
- eAuditor Audits & Inspections has implemented robust security measures to protect sensitive audit data and ensure compliance with data privacy regulations to comply with industry standards and certification requirements for audit management systems.
User Training and Support
- eAuditor Audits & Inspections can provide user training and support resources within the app to help auditors understand how to use the app effectively and comply with BRC requirements and offers access to help documentation, tutorials, and FAQs to address common issues or questions.