eAuditor Audits & Inspections

ISO 9001:2015 Manufacturing Supplier Audit Checklist

Creating a comprehensive ISO 9001:2015 manufacturing supplier audit checklist involves several key components. Below is a general outline you can customize according to your specific needs and requirements:

ISO 9001-2015 Manufacturing Supplier Audit

  1. General Information:
    • Supplier Name:
    • Supplier Location:
    • Date of Audit:
    • Auditor Name(s):
    • Audit Scope:
  2. Documentation Review:
    • Quality Manual:
    • Procedures and Work Instructions:
    • Records of Training and Competence:
    • Document Control Procedures:
    • Quality Policy and Objectives:
    • Corrective and Preventive Action Records:
    • Control of Non-Conforming Products:
    • Internal Audit Reports:
  3. Management System:
    • Organizational Structure and Responsibilities:
    • Management Commitment to Quality:
    • Risk Management Processes:
    • Quality Planning and Objectives:
    • Customer Focus and Satisfaction:
    • Continual Improvement Processes:
    • Change Management Procedures:
  4. Resource Management:
    • Competence, Awareness, and Training:
    • Infrastructure and Work Environment:
    • Availability of Resources:
    • Personnel Facilities and Welfare:
    • Equipment Maintenance and Calibration:
  5. Product Realization:
    • Planning of Product Realization:
    • Customer Requirements Review:
    • Design and Development Processes (if applicable):
    • Purchasing Process and Supplier Evaluation:
    • Control of Production and Service Provision:
    • Validation of Processes for Production:
    • Identification and Traceability of Products:
    • Customer Property Protection:
  6. Measurement, Analysis, and Improvement:
    • Monitoring and Measurement of Processes:
    • Product Conformity and Acceptance Criteria:
    • Control of Monitoring and Measuring Equipment:
    • Analysis of Data for Performance:
    • Internal Audit Process and Results:
    • Corrective and Preventive Action Processes:
    • Management Review Meeting Records:
  7. Observations and Recommendations:
    • Compliance with ISO 9001:2015 Requirements:
    • Strengths of the Supplier’s Quality Management System:
    • Areas for Improvement or Corrective Action:
    • Recommendations for Enhancing Performance:
  8. Conclusion:
    • Overall Assessment of Supplier’s Compliance:
    • Identified Risks and Opportunities:
    • Summary of Audit Findings:
    • Follow-up Actions and Timelines:

ISO 9001-2015 Manufacturing Supplier Audit

Ensure that each item in the ISO 9001:2015 Manufacturing Supplier Audit Checklist is clear, measurable, and specific. During the audit, verify compliance with ISO 9001:2015 requirements and identify areas where the supplier can improve their quality management system.

ISO 9001-2015 Manufacturing Supplier Audit

Performing an ISO 9001:2015 supplier audit using  eAuditor Audits & Inspections checklist can streamline the process and improve efficiency. Here’s how you can structure your audit using  eAuditor Audits & Inspections checklist:

  1. Select  eAuditor Audits & Inspections App 
  2. Pre-Audit Preparation:
  3. Conducting the Audit:
    • Start the audit process using the eAuditor Audits & Inspections ISO 9001:2015 manufacturing supplier audit checklist.
    • Go through each section of the checklist systematically, recording observations, evidence, and comments directly in the app.
    • Utilize the eAuditor Audits & Inspections‘s features such as attaching photos or videos as evidence during the audit.
    • Rate each checklist item according to compliance level or severity of non-conformity.
  4. Document Review:
    • Use the app to review documentation such as quality manuals, procedures, and records.
    • Record findings and evidence directly in the eAuditor Audits & Inspections checklist.
  5. On-site Inspection:
    • Use the eAuditor Audits & Inspections  to conduct on-site inspections of facilities, equipment, and processes.
    • Capture photos or videos of any non-conformities or areas of concern.
  6. Communication and Collaboration:
    • Assign corrective actions directly within the app and track their status.
  7. Generate Audit Report:
    • Once the audit is complete, generate an audit report directly from the  eAuditor Audits & Inspections.
    • The report includes a summary of findings, areas of non-conformity, recommendations, and any follow-up actions required.
  8. Follow-up and Monitoring:
    • Use  eAuditor Audits & Inspections to track and monitor corrective actions and follow-up audits.
    • Schedule reminders for follow-up activities and deadlines.
  9. Continuous Improvement:
    • Use insights gathered from audits to continuously improve the audit process and the supplier’s quality management system.

By utilizing  eAuditor Audits & Inspections  checklist for ISO 9001:2015 audits, you can improve the efficiency, accuracy, and effectiveness of the audit process while ensuring compliance with quality standards.

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