eAuditor Audits & Inspections

Terminal Cleaning Checklist

Creating a terminal cleaning checklist for healthcare facilities is crucial to ensure thorough and effective cleaning, particularly in areas where patients with contagious diseases have been treated. Here’s a comprehensive checklist:

Terminal Cleaning Checklist

  1. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
    • Gloves
    • Gowns or aprons
    • Masks
    • Eye protection (if applicable)
  2. Preparation
    • Ensure the room is unoccupied and patient has been moved to a different area.
    • Ventilate the room by opening windows or using the ventilation system, if available.
    • Remove any medical equipment or supplies that are not fixed in place.
  3. General Cleaning
    • Dust all surfaces, including furniture, equipment, and vents.
    • Clean all surfaces with appropriate disinfectant, paying attention to high-touch areas such as door handles, light switches, and remote controls.
    • Empty and clean waste bins.
    • Vacuum or mop the floor, paying attention to corners and edges.
  4. Bed and Furniture Cleaning
    • Clean and disinfect the bed frame, mattress, and any other furniture in the room.
    • Replace any disposable items such as pillows or bedding.
  5. Medical Equipment
    • Clean and disinfect all medical equipment in the room, including monitors, IV poles, and infusion pumps.
    • Follow manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning and disinfection.
  6. Bathroom Cleaning
    • Clean and disinfect all surfaces in the bathroom, including the toilet, sink, and shower (if applicable).
    • Replace any disposable items such as toilet paper or soap.
  7. Floor Cleaning
    • Clean and disinfect the floor using appropriate cleaning products.
    • Pay special attention to areas around the toilet and sink.
  8. Final Inspection
    • Inspect the room to ensure all surfaces have been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.
    • Check that all equipment and supplies have been returned to their proper places.
    • Close windows and doors once cleaning is complete.
  9. Documentation
    • Record the date and time of cleaning.
    • Note any areas that required additional attention or maintenance.
    • Sign off on the checklist to indicate completion of terminal cleaning.
  10. Quality Assurance
    • Periodically review terminal cleaning procedures to ensure they are effective and up-to-date.
    • Provide ongoing training for cleaning staff on proper techniques and use of cleaning products.

Terminal Cleaning ChecklistBy following this checklist, healthcare facilities can ensure that terminal cleaning is conducted thoroughly and consistently, reducing the risk of healthcare-associated infections and promoting patient safety.

Terminal Cleaning ChecklistUsing eAuditor Audits & Inspections to conduct terminal cleaning inspections in healthcare facilities can streamline the process and improve efficiency. Here’s how the eAuditor Audits & Inspections functions:

  1. Download  eAuditor Audits & Inspections: 
  2. User Login/Authentication:
  3. Room Selection:
    • Users select the room or area within the healthcare facility that requires terminal cleaning.
  4. Checklist Display:
  5. Checklist Items:
    • Each checklist item is presented with options to mark it as completed, not applicable, or requiring attention.
    • Users can provide comments or notes for each checklist item if necessary.
  6. Documentation:
    • Users can capture photos of the cleaned areas to document the completion of tasks.
    • The eAuditor Audits & Inspections includes options for users to upload additional documents or reports related to the cleaning process if admin has added them to checklist.
  7. Real-time Syncing:
    • The eAuditor Audits & Inspections syncs data in real-time, allowing supervisors or administrators to monitor the progress of cleaning activities remotely.
  8. Quality Assurance:
    • Supervisors can review completed inspections and provide feedback or additional instructions as needed.
  9. Notification and Reminders:
    • Users receive notifications and reminders for scheduled terminal cleaning tasks to ensure timely completion.
  10. Reporting:
    • The eAuditor Audits & Inspections generates comprehensive reports summarizing inspection findings, including areas that require attention or follow-up.
    • Reports can be exported or shared with relevant stakeholders for further action.
  11. Data Security and Compliance:
  12. Historical Data and Trends:
    • The eAuditor Audits & Inspections maintains a historical record of cleaning inspections, allowing users to track trends over time and identify areas for improvement.

By utilizing eAuditor Audits & Inspections for terminal cleaning inspections, healthcare facilities can enhance accountability, transparency, and efficiency in maintaining cleanliness and preventing healthcare-associated infections.

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