eAuditor Audits & Inspections

Forklift Operator Shift Takeover / Handover Checks

To ensure a smooth and safe Forklift Operator Handover Checks for forklift operators, it’s important to follow a structured process.

Forklift Operator Shift Takeover Handover Checks1. Pre Forklift Operator Handover Checks by Outgoing Operator

  • General Condition:
    • Forklift is clean and free of debris.
    • Visual inspection for any damage or wear.
  • Fluid Levels:
    • Check fuel levels (gasoline, diesel, or propane).
    • Check battery charge level for electric forklifts.
    • Inspect hydraulic fluid levels.
  • Tires:
    • Inspect tires for wear and damage.
    • Ensure proper inflation (for pneumatic tires).
  • Safety Features:
    • Check the functionality of seat belts.
    • Ensure horn and lights (headlights, tail lights, and indicator lights) are operational.
    • Verify the proper functioning of the backup alarm.
  • Operational Controls:
    • Test steering, brakes, and parking brake.
    • Check lift, tilt, and side-shift functions.
    • Ensure all gauges and meters are working.
  • Attachments:
    • Inspect any attachments (e.g., forks, clamps) for damage or wear.
    • Ensure attachments are securely fastened.
  • Safety Equipment:
    • Verify the presence and condition of fire extinguisher.
    • Ensure any required safety decals and operator manual are present.

2. Forklift Operator Handover Checks Process

  • Report Issues:
    • Communicate any issues or defects noted during the pre-handover checks to the incoming operator.
    • Document any defects or maintenance needs in the logbook or digital system.
  • Logbook Update:
    • Update the logbook or digital system with the current status of the forklift.
    • Record the time and date of the handover.

3. Takeover Checks by Incoming Operator

  • Review Handover Notes:
    • Review any notes or issues reported by the outgoing operator.
    • Confirm that any reported issues have been addressed or are understood.
  • General Inspection:
    • Conduct a quick visual inspection of the forklift to confirm its condition.
    • Ensure the forklift is clean and free of debris.
  • Operational Check:
    • Start the forklift and let it run for a few minutes.
    • Test the functionality of all controls and safety features.

4. Operational Readiness

  • Safety Gear:
    • Ensure the availability of required personal protective equipment (PPE).
    • Confirm that any necessary documentation or permits are up-to-date.
  • Start of Shift:
    • Record the time and date of the takeover in the logbook or digital system.
    • Note any immediate concerns or observations.

eAuditor Audits & Inspections Usage for Shift Takeover / Handover

Forklift Operator Shift Takeover Handover Checks

Using eAuditor Audits & Inspections

  • Pre-Handover Checks:
    • Outgoing operator completes the Forklift Operator Handover Checks checklist within the eAuditor Audits & Inspections.
    • Photographs of any issues or defects can be attached.
    • Notes and comments can be added for clarity.
  • Handover Process:
    • Outgoing operator updates the eAuditor Audits & Inspections with the status and any issues.
    • Incoming operator reviews the handover notes in real-time.
    • Both operators can sign off within the eAuditor Audits & Inspections to confirm the handover.

Benefits of  eAuditor Audits & Inspections

  • Customized Forms:
    • Design a custom form for Forklift Operator Handover Checks, including all necessary fields.
    • Use checkboxes, text fields, and photo uploads to document the condition.
  • Real-Time Data:
    • Data entered is available in real-time for the incoming operator to review.
    • Automatic time and date stamps ensure accurate record-keeping.

Forklift Operator Shift Takeover Handover Checks

  • Digital Workflow:
    • Outgoing operator completes the digital checklist and submits it.
    • Follow-up actions or maintenance requests can be triggered within the eAuditor Audits & Inspections.


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