eAuditor Audits & Inspections

Environmental Health Officer EHO Visit Checklist

Performing EHO visit checklist inspection ensures compliance with health & safety standards, efficient documentation, and streamlined reporting.

EHO Visit Checklist

General Cleanliness and Hygiene

  1. Overall Cleanliness:
    • Ensure all areas, including kitchen, dining, storage, and restrooms, are clean and free from clutter.
    • Regularly clean and sanitize floors, walls, ceilings, and equipment.
  2. Waste Management:
    • Properly dispose of waste and maintain clean and covered garbage bins.
    • Ensure regular waste removal and proper recycling practices.
  3. Pest Control:
    • Have an effective pest control program in place.
    • Regularly inspect for signs of pests and maintain records of pest control treatments.

Food Safety and Handling

  1. Food Storage:
    • Store food at appropriate temperatures (refrigerated items below 41°F/5°C and frozen items below 0°F/-18°C).
    • Properly label and date all food items.
    • Use FIFO (First In, First Out) method for inventory rotation.
  2. Temperature Control:
    • Regularly monitor and record temperatures of refrigerators, freezers, and hot holding units.
    • Calibrate thermometers regularly.
  3. Cross-Contamination Prevention:
    • Store raw and cooked foods separately.
    • Use color-coded cutting boards and utensils.
    • Implement proper handwashing and use gloves when necessary.

Personal Hygiene

  1. Handwashing Facilities:
    • Ensure handwashing stations are accessible and well-stocked with soap, paper towels, and hand sanitizers.
    • Display proper handwashing procedures.
  2. Employee Hygiene:
    • Enforce a strict handwashing policy for employees.
    • Ensure employees wear clean uniforms and maintain personal cleanliness.
    • Provide hairnets, gloves, and aprons as needed.

Equipment and Utensils

  1. Cleaning and Sanitizing:
    • Clean and sanitize equipment, utensils, and surfaces after use.
    • Use appropriate cleaning agents and follow manufacturer instructions.
  2. Maintenance:
    • Regularly inspect and maintain equipment to ensure it is in good working condition.
    • Repair or replace damaged or faulty equipment promptly.

Documentation and Records

  1. Training Records:
    • Maintain records of employee training on food safety and hygiene practices.
    • Ensure all employees have up-to-date certifications where required.
  2. Cleaning Schedules:
    • Keep detailed cleaning schedules and logs.
    • Ensure all cleaning tasks are signed off upon completion.
  3. Temperature Logs:
    • Maintain accurate records of temperature checks for refrigerators, freezers, and hot holding units.
    • Record cooking and cooling temperatures for food items.
  4. Pest Control Records:
    • Keep records of pest control inspections and treatments.
    • Document any pest sightings and actions taken.
  5. Maintenance Logs:
    • Record regular maintenance checks and repairs for equipment and facilities.
    • Keep documentation of any servicing or calibration performed.

EHO Visit Checklist

Health and Safety Compliance

  1. Health Policies:
    • Enforce policies for reporting and managing employee illnesses.
    • Ensure employees stay home when sick and follow return-to-work guidelines.
  2. Safety Procedures:
    • Implement and enforce safety procedures for handling hot equipment, sharp objects, and hazardous substances.
    • Display safety signs and provide safety equipment (e.g., gloves, goggles).
  3. Emergency Procedures:
    • Have clear procedures for emergencies such as fires, power outages, or chemical spills.
    • Ensure fire extinguishers and first aid kits are accessible and maintained.

Specific Inspection Areas

  1. Kitchen Area:
    • Check cleanliness and organization of kitchen surfaces, equipment, and storage areas.
    • Ensure proper ventilation and lighting.
  2. Storage Area:
    • Inspect storage areas for proper organization and cleanliness.
    • Ensure food items are stored off the floor and away from walls.
  3. Restrooms:
    • Ensure restrooms are clean, well-stocked, and maintained.
    • Check for proper handwashing facilities and supplies.
  4. Dining Area:
    • Maintain cleanliness and orderliness of dining tables, chairs, and floors.
    • Ensure proper cleaning and sanitizing of dining utensils and surfaces.

Preparation Tips

  • Conduct Regular Internal Audits: Regularly inspect your own facility to identify and address potential issues before an EHO visit.
  • Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with local health regulations and industry best practices.
  • Train Staff: Ensure all staff members are well-trained in food safety, hygiene, and emergency procedures.
  • Communication: Keep open lines of communication with employees regarding the importance of compliance and the procedures to follow.

EHO Visit Checklist

EHO Visit Checklist Using a eAuditor Audits & Inspections

Performing an Environmental Health Officer EHO visit checklist inspection using eAuditor Audits & Inspections app involves a structured approach to ensure compliance with health and safety standards, efficient documentation, and streamlined reporting. Here’s a step-by-step guide to conducting the inspection:

1. Preparation

  1. Set Up the eAuditor Audits & Inspections App:
    • Install: Ensure the eAuditor Audits & Inspections app is installed on your device.
    • Configure: Set up the app with the EHO visit checklist, including categories and specific items to be inspected.
  2. Customize the Checklist:
    • Tailor: Adjust the checklist in the app to reflect the specific EHO standards you need to evaluate.
  3. Gather Equipment:
    • Mobile Device: Ensure your device is fully charged and operational.
    • Additional Tools: Prepare any extra tools needed (e.g., thermometer, flashlight) if required for the inspection.

2. Conduct the Inspection

  1. Log In:
    • Open the eAuditor Audits & Inspections app and log in with your credentials.
  2. Select Inspection Type:
    • Choose the type of inspection (e.g., routine, follow-up) and specify the location or area being inspected.
  3. Start Inspection:
    • Begin the inspection process by navigating to the EHO visit checklist in the eAuditor Audits & Inspections.

3. Complete the EHO Visit Checklist

A. General Cleanliness

  1. Premises:
    • Inspect Cleanliness: Check for overall cleanliness of the premises, including floors, walls, and ceilings.
    • Document: Take photos and make notes on the app about any areas that need attention.
  2. Restrooms:
    • Inspect Facilities: Ensure restrooms are clean, stocked, and well-maintained.
    • Record: Document cleanliness issues and provide photos if applicable.
  3. Waste Management:
    • Check Bins: Ensure waste bins are covered, emptied regularly, and waste is disposed of correctly.
    • Document: Record any issues with waste management.

B. Food Hygiene

  1. Food Storage:
    • Check Conditions: Inspect food storage areas for cleanliness, proper labeling, and organization.
    • Temperature Control: Verify temperatures of refrigerators and freezers.
    • Document: Record temperatures and any deviations from the safe ranges.
  2. Preparation Areas:
    • Inspect Surfaces: Ensure food preparation surfaces are clean and sanitized.
    • Equipment: Check that equipment is clean and well-maintained.
    • Document: Record any issues with preparation areas.
  3. Cross-Contamination Prevention:
    • Inspect Practices: Verify that cross-contamination prevention practices are followed.
    • Record Findings: Document any deviations and attach supporting evidence.

C. Pest Control

  1. Inspect for Pests:
    • Check Signs: Look for signs of pest activity and verify pest control measures.
    • Document Findings: Record evidence of pests and effectiveness of control measures.
  2. Pest Control Records:
    • Review Records: Ensure pest control records are up-to-date and accessible.
    • Document: Record any missing or incomplete records.

D. Personal Hygiene

  1. Staff Hygiene:
    • Inspect Practices: Check that staff follow proper handwashing and hygiene practices.
    • Protective Clothing: Ensure staff wear appropriate protective clothing.
    • Document: Record any issues with staff hygiene.
  2. Health and Safety Training:
    • Review Training: Verify that staff have received appropriate health and safety training.
    • Document: Record any gaps in training records.

E. Compliance and Documentation

  1. Regulatory Compliance:
    • Review Standards: Ensure all practices comply with relevant health and safety regulations.
    • Document: Record any non-compliances and note corrective actions needed.
  2. Record Keeping:
    • Update Records: Ensure all health and safety records are up-to-date in the app.
    • Document: Record any discrepancies and update records accordingly.

F. Emergency Procedures

  1. Emergency Contacts:
    • Verify Contacts: Ensure emergency contact numbers are posted and accessible.
    • Document: Record any issues with emergency contact information.
  2. Incident Response:
    • Check Procedures: Verify that procedures for responding to health and safety incidents are in place.
    • Record: Document any issues with incident response procedures.

G. Customer Feedback

  1. Customer Complaints:
    • Check System: Verify that there is a system for receiving and addressing customer complaints.
    • Document: Record any issues with the handling of customer complaints.
  2. Customer Communication:
    • Review Communication: Ensure customers are informed about health and safety practices.
    • Document: Record any issues with customer communication.

4. Finalize the Inspection

  1. Review Data:
    • Verify Entries: Review all data entered into the eAuditor Audits & Inspections for completeness and accuracy.
  2. Generate Report:
    • Create Report: Use the eAuditor Audits & Inspections to generate a detailed inspection report, including observations, non-compliances, and recommendations.
  3. Submit Report:
    • Send Report: Submit the report through the eAuditor Audits & Inspections to relevant stakeholders or a central database.
  4. Discuss Findings:
    • Meeting: Discuss findings with management and agree on necessary corrective actions.

5. Follow-Up

  1. Monitor Corrective Actions:
    • Track Progress: Use the eAuditor Audits & Inspections to monitor the progress of corrective actions and improvements.
  2. Schedule Re-Inspection:
    • Plan Follow-Up: Schedule follow-up inspections to ensure corrective actions have been implemented effectively.
  3. Provide Feedback:
    • Share Insights: Offer feedback and additional training if needed to address specific issues.

Using the eAuditor Audits & Inspections

  1. Dashboard:
    • Overview: Access a dashboard for an overview of inspection findings, non-compliances, and corrective actions.
    • Notifications: Set up notifications for follow-up actions or upcoming inspections.
  2. Real-Time Updates:
    • Sync Data: eAuditor Audits & Inspections syncs data in real-time to keep records accurate and up-to-date.
  3. Analytics:
    • Analyze Trends: Use the eAuditor Audits & Inspections’ analytics features to identify trends, such as recurring issues or areas needing improvement.

Using eAuditor Audits & Inspections app for conducting an EHO visit checklist inspection helps ensure a structured and thorough evaluation process, improves documentation efficiency, and facilitates ongoing improvements in health and safety practices.


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