eAuditor Audits & Inspections

HSE VDU Checklist

An Health, Safety, and Environment – HSE VDU -Visual Display Unit assessment is a systematic evaluation of the workplace to ensure that the use of visual display units, such as computer monitors, complies with health, safety, and environmental regulations.

The goal is to identify and mitigate any risks associated with prolonged use of VDUs to prevent health issues like eye strain, musculoskeletal disorders, and stress.

HSE VDU Checklist

Workstation Setup

  1. Desk and Chair
    • Desk height allows for comfortable positioning of arms and wrists.
    • Chair is adjustable in height and supports proper posture.
    • Chair has lumbar support for the lower back.
    • Feet are flat on the floor or on a footrest.
  2. Monitor Position
    • Top of the screen is at or slightly below eye level.
    • Monitor is about an arm’s length away from the user.
    • Screen is free from glare and reflections.
    • Screen brightness and contrast are adjusted for comfort.
  3. Keyboard and Mouse
    • Keyboard is placed so that wrists are straight and elbows are at a 90-degree angle or slightly open.
    • Mouse is positioned close to the keyboard and at the same height.
    • Wrist rests are available if needed.
  4. Lighting
    • Adequate lighting is provided without causing glare on the screen.
    • Blinds or shades are used to control natural light.
    • Task lighting is available if necessary.
  5. Work Environment
    • Noise levels are within comfortable limits.
    • Temperature and air quality are at comfortable levels.
    • Workspace is organized and free from clutter.

User Assessment

  1. Posture
    • User sits upright with back supported.
    • Feet are flat on the floor or on a footrest.
    • Elbows are close to the body and form an open angle.
  2. Breaks
    • User takes regular breaks from the screen (e.g., 5-10 minutes every hour).
    • User follows the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.
  3. Training
    • User has received training on proper workstation setup and ergonomics.
    • User understands the importance of regular breaks and stretching exercises.

Risk Identification

  1. Ergonomic Risks
    • Workstation is free from awkward postures and repetitive movements.
    • Equipment is positioned to minimize strain and overreach.
  2. Health Risks
    • User has reported any signs of eye strain, headaches, back pain, or other health issues.
    • Appropriate actions have been taken to address reported health issues.


  1. Adjustments
    • Workstation adjustments have been made to improve ergonomics.
    • Monitor stands, footrests, or other accessories have been provided as needed.
  2. Equipment
    • Ergonomic accessories, such as keyboard trays, wrist rests, or monitor arms, are available if needed.
  3. Work Practices
    • Users are encouraged to take regular breaks and perform stretching exercises.


  1. Assessment Report
    • Findings from the assessment are documented, including identified risks and recommended actions.
  2. Action Plan
    • An action plan has been created with responsibilities assigned and deadlines set.


  1. Implementation Check
    • Follow-up has been conducted to ensure recommended changes have been implemented.
  2. Reassessment
    • Periodic reassessments are scheduled to ensure continued compliance and address new issues.

Continuous Improvement

  1. Feedback
    • Feedback is collected from users about the effectiveness of the changes and any ongoing issues.
  2. Training Updates
    • Ongoing training and updates are provided to users on best practices for VDU use and ergonomics.

Using this checklist can help ensure that VDU workstations are set up correctly, reducing the risk of health issues and improving overall workplace productivity.

Home Screen

  • Quick Access to Checklists: Buttons for “Start New Checklist,” “View Past Checklists,” and “Settings.”
  • Notifications: Alerts for pending checks, maintenance schedules, and safety updates.

Start New Checklist

  • Auto-save and Offline Mode: Ensures data is not lost and can be synced when back online.
  • Photo and Document Upload: Capture and attach images/documents directly within the checklist.
  • Digital Signatures: Authenticate completion and review of checklist items.
  • Reminders and Alerts: Set notifications for scheduled checks and maintenance.
  • Analytics Dashboard: View trends and reports on safety checks and incidents.
  • User Roles and Permissions: Different access levels for operators, supervisors, and administrators.


  • Customization: Add or modify checklist items.
  • User Management: Add or remove users, assign roles.
  • Notifications: Set preferences for alerts and reminders.
  • Data Export: Export checklists and reports in various formats (PDF, Excel).

Implementation Tips

HSE VDU Checklist

  • User Training: Provide training sessions on using the eAuditor Audits & Inspections.
  • Feedback Loop: Regularly gather user feedback to improve the eAuditor Audits & Inspections.
  • Integration: Ensure the eAuditor Audits & Inspections integrates with existing HSE systems and databases.
  • Regular Updates: Keep the eAuditor Audits & Inspections updated with the latest features and security measures.

eAuditor is a versatile mobile inspection tool that allows you to create customizable HSE VDU checklists, perform inspections, and generate reports. By using eAuditor, you can ensure a consistent, thorough approach to HSE VDU assessments, easily document findings, and track improvements over time.

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