eAuditor Audits & Inspections

Brewery Equipment Checklist

Creating a brewery equipment checklist is a great way to ensure all your equipment is maintained and operating properly.

Brewery Equipment Checklist


Brewhouse Equipment

  • Mash Tun:

    • Check for proper insulation and heating elements.
    • Ensure the mash tun is equipped with a false bottom or filter for grain separation.
    • Verify that the agitator/mixer is functioning properly.
  • Lauter Tun (if separate from Mash Tun):

    • Ensure proper drainage and sparging systems.
    • Check the rakes and grain-out mechanisms.
  • Brew Kettle:

    • Verify the heating source (steam, gas, or electric) is operational.
    • Ensure the kettle has a whirlpool system for trub separation.
    • Check for proper venting and exhaust systems.
  • Hot Liquor Tank (HLT):

    • Verify temperature control systems.
    • Check for proper insulation.
  • Boil Kettle:

    • Ensure proper steam ventilation.
    • Verify boil-off rate consistency.
    • Check whirlpool port functionality.


Fermentation Equipment

  • Fermentation Vessels (Conical or Cylindroconical):

    • Verify temperature control and glycol jacket systems.
    • Check pressure relief valves and CO2 venting systems.
    • Ensure proper sealing and cleanliness of valves and ports.
  • Fermentation Tanks:

    • Verify cooling systems (glycol jackets or internal cooling).
    • Check for proper pressure relief valves.
  • Yeast Brink:

    • Ensure the brink is sanitized and operational.
    • Verify fittings and valves for transferring yeast.


Cellar Equipment

  • Bright Beer Tanks (BBT):

    • Check temperature control systems.
    • Ensure carbonation stones are clean and functional.
  • CIP (Clean-in-Place) System:

    • Verify the availability of necessary chemicals (caustic, acid, sanitizer).
    • Ensure that all tanks and lines can be effectively cleaned.
    • Check for proper pump operation and flow rates.
  • Cooling System:

    • Inspect glycol chiller for leaks and proper operation.
    • Verify glycol lines are insulated and free of blockages.


Packaging Equipment

  • Kegging Equipment:

    • Ensure the keg washer/sanitizer is operational.
    • Verify keg filling lines are clean and functioning.
    • Check CO2 purging system for effectiveness.
  • Bottling Line:

    • Inspect the bottle rinser, filler, and capper.
    • Verify labels are correctly applied and aligned.
    • Check for proper operation of pasteurization systems (if applicable).
  • Canning Line:

    • Ensure proper seamers and gas purging systems.
    • Verify canning line cleanliness and maintenance.
    • Check for accurate fill levels and lid application.
  • Labeling Machine:

    • Ensure labels are correctly aligned and adhered.
    • Verify the functionality of the applicator.


Utilities and Support Systems

  • Water Treatment System:

    • Ensure water filtration and softening systems are operational.
    • Verify reverse osmosis (RO) systems, if used.
    • Check water quality parameters (pH, hardness).
  • Compressed Air System:

    • Inspect the air compressor and dryer for proper operation.
    • Verify the absence of oil and moisture in air lines.
  • Steam Boiler:

    • Ensure the boiler is properly maintained and inspected.
    • Verify that all safety valves and pressure controls are operational.
  • Electrical System:

    • Check wiring, control panels, and circuit breakers for proper operation.
    • Ensure backup generators or power sources are available if needed.


Storage and Handling Equipment

  • Grain Mill:

    • Ensure rollers are properly adjusted for consistent crush.
    • Check for dust control systems to prevent explosions.
  • Grain Storage Bins:

    • Verify bins are sealed to prevent moisture ingress.
    • Check the functionality of augers and conveyors.
  • Hop Storage:

    • Ensure hops are stored in a cool, dry environment.
    • Check for proper packaging to maintain freshness.
  • Malt Handling System:

    • Ensure conveyors, hoppers, and mills are operational.
    • Verify dust collection systems are working effectively.
  • Refrigeration Units:

    • Inspect coolers and freezers for proper temperature control.
    • Verify that refrigeration units are clean and well-maintained.
  • CO2 and Nitrogen Tanks:

    • Ensure tanks are filled and regulators are functioning.
    • Verify gas lines for leaks and proper connection.


Quality Control Equipment

  • Laboratory Equipment:

    • Verify the operation of pH meters, spectrophotometers, and other lab instruments.
    • Ensure calibration of all measurement devices.
  • Hydrometers and Refractometers:

    • Check for cleanliness and calibration accuracy.
  • Microscope:

    • Ensure proper functioning for yeast counting and contamination checks.
  • Sample Ports:

    • Verify all sample ports are clean and operational.


Safety Equipment

  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):

    • Ensure availability of gloves, goggles, and protective clothing.
    • Verify that PPE is accessible and in good condition.
  • Fire Extinguishers:

    • Ensure fire extinguishers are accessible and inspected.
    • Verify proper placement near high-risk areas (e.g., near boilers, electrical panels).
  • First Aid Kits:

    • Check that first aid kits are stocked and accessible.
  • Safety Showers and Eyewash Stations:

    • Verify the operational status and accessibility.
  • Spill Containment Kits:

    • Ensure kits are available for handling chemical spills.


Sanitation and Hygiene

  • Cleaning Supplies:

    • Verify the availability of sanitizers, detergents, and cleaning tools.
    • Ensure proper storage and labeling of cleaning chemicals.
  • Drainage Systems:

    • Check that brewery floors are sloped correctly for drainage.
    • Ensure drains are free of blockages.
  • Hand Washing Stations:

    • Verify stations are stocked with soap and towels.
    • Ensure accessibility and proper functioning.


Maintenance and Documentation

  • Maintenance Logs:

    • Ensure all equipment maintenance is documented.
    • Verify that a schedule for regular maintenance is in place.
  • Operational Manuals:

    • Confirm that manuals for all equipment are available and accessible.
  • Inspection Records:

    • Ensure all required inspections (boiler, electrical, safety) are up to date.
  • Calibration Records:

    • Verify that all equipment calibration records are current.


Brewery Equipment Checklist using eAuditor Audits & Inspection

Brewery Equipment Checklist


Pre-Inspection Setup

  • Create Inspection Profile:

    • Set up profiles for each piece of equipment in the eAuditor Audits & Inspection.
    • Assign specific team members to each inspection task.
  • Schedule Regular Inspections:

    • Set up reminders or recurring tasks for regular equipment checks using Brewery Equipment Checklist.
    • Assign priority levels (e.g., daily, weekly, monthly inspections).
  • Documentation Upload:

    • Upload past inspection reports for easy reference.


Brewhouse Equipment

  • Mash Tun:

    • Brewery Equipment Checklist Items:
      • Check insulation and heating element functionality.
      • Inspect the false bottom or filter for cleanliness and damage.
      • Verify agitator/mixer operation.
      • Add photos of any issues found.
      • Record temperature readings and note any discrepancies.
      • Mark tasks as complete when inspections are done.
  • Brew Kettle:

    • Brewery Equipment Checklist Items:

      • Inspect heating sources (steam, gas, electric) for proper operation.
      • Check the whirlpool system for blockages or damage.
      • Ensure exhaust systems are clear and functioning.
    • eAuditor Audits & Inspections Tasks:

      • Log the condition of the kettle and any necessary repairs.
      • Attach a video walkthrough if issues are complex.
  • Hot Liquor Tank (HLT):

    • Brewery Equipment Checklist Items:

      • Verify temperature controls and sensor accuracy.
      • Check insulation and overall condition.
      • Record temperature readings.
      • Set a reminder for the next inspection.


Fermentation Equipment

  • Fermentation Vessels:

    • Brewery Equipment Checklist Items:

      • Inspect glycol jackets for leaks or blockages.
      • Check pressure relief valves for proper function.
      • Ensure valves and ports are sealed and clean.
      • Input pressure readings.
      • Capture images of any potential leaks.
  • Yeast Brink:

    • Brewery Equipment Checklist Items:

      • Verify that the brink is clean and sanitized.
      • Inspect fittings and valves for any signs of wear.
      • Log sanitation steps taken.
      • Note any parts that need replacement.


Cellar Equipment

  • Bright Beer Tanks (BBT):

    • Brewery Equipment Checklist Items:

      • Check temperature controls.
      • Inspect carbonation stones for cleanliness.
      • Log tank pressure and temperature.
      • Schedule follow-up for any issues detected.
  • CIP (Clean-in-Place) System:

    • Checklist Items:

      • Verify availability of cleaning chemicals.
      • Inspect pumps and flow rates.
      • Record the completion of the cleaning cycle.
      • Attach photos of the cleaned equipment.


Packaging Equipment

  • Kegging Equipment:

    • Checklist Items:

      • Check the operation of keg washers and fillers.
      • Inspect CO2 purging system.
      • Log keg counts and any anomalies in operation.
      • Attach videos for team review if needed.
  • Canning/Bottling Line:

    • Checklist Items:

      • Inspect all moving parts for wear.
      • Verify the proper application of labels.
      • Record production numbers.
      • Upload images of any misapplied labels.


Utilities and Support Systems

  • Water Treatment System:

    • Checklist Items:

      • Test water quality (pH, hardness).
      • Inspect filtration and RO systems.
      • Log water test results.
      • Schedule maintenance based on findings.
  • Compressed Air System:

    • Checklist Items:

      • Check for moisture or oil in air lines.
      • Inspect air compressor and dryer.
      • Record system pressure.
      • Attach any relevant sensor data.


Storage and Handling Equipment

  • Grain Mill:

    • Checklist Items:

      • Inspect rollers for wear and adjust as needed.
      • Verify dust control systems.
      • Record roller settings.
      • Note any adjustments made.
  • Hop Storage:

    • Checklist Items:

      • Check storage temperature and humidity.
      • Inspect packaging for freshness.
      • Log inventory and condition of hops.
      • Upload photos of storage conditions.


Quality Control Equipment

  • Laboratory Equipment:

    • Checklist Items:

      • Calibrate pH meters, spectrophotometers, etc.
      • Inspect and clean sample ports.
      • Log calibration results.
      • Attach reports from quality checks.
  • Hydrometers and Refractometers:

    • Checklist Items:

      • Verify accuracy and cleanliness.
      • Record readings and calibration status.


Safety Equipment

  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):

    • Checklist Items:

      • Check availability and condition of PPE.
      • Log inventory and condition.
      • Set reminders for PPE replacement.
  • Fire Extinguishers:

    • Checklist Items:

      • Ensure extinguishers are accessible and up to date.
      • Record inspection dates.
      • Attach photos of extinguisher tags.

Brewery Equipment Checklist


Sanitation and Hygiene

  • Cleaning Supplies:

    • Checklist Items:

      • Verify stock levels of sanitizers and detergents.
      • Inspect storage conditions.
      • Log inventory levels.
      • Set reminders for restocking.
  • Drainage Systems:

    • Checklist Items:

      • Check for blockages and proper slope.
      • Record the inspection and note any required cleaning.


Maintenance and Documentation

  • Maintenance Logs:

    • Checklist Items:

      • Ensure all equipment maintenance is documented.
      • Verify adherence to maintenance schedules.
      • Update logs with maintenance tasks completed.
      • Attach reports or receipts from service visits.
  • Calibration Records:

    • Checklist Items:

      • Ensure all equipment calibration records are current.
      • Log calibration results and attach supporting documents.


Reporting and Review

  • Generate Reports:

    • Use the eAuditor Audits & Inspection to compile inspection data into reports.
    • Share reports with team members or management directly from the app.
  • Review and Action Items:

    • Set up follow-up tasks based on inspection results.
    • Assign responsibility and due dates for any corrective actions.

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