eAuditor Audits & Inspections

ADA Checklist for Existing Facilities

Creating an Americans with Disabilities Act ADA checklist for existing facilities can help ensure that buildings and facilities meet accessibility standards.

ADA Checklist for Existing Facilities

1. Parking and Drop-off Areas

  • Accessible Parking Spaces

    • Number of accessible spaces provided.
    • Correct dimensions (8 feet wide for car spaces, 11 feet wide for van spaces, with a 5-foot wide access aisle for car spaces and an 8-foot wide access aisle for van spaces).
    • Located closest to accessible entrances.
    • Proper signage indicating accessible spaces.
  • Access Aisles

    • Level with the parking area.
    • Marked with a sign that says “No Parking.”

2. Accessible Routes

  • Paths of Travel

    • At least one accessible route from parking to the building entrance.
    • Continuous, unobstructed path (at least 36 inches wide).
    • Stable, firm, and slip-resistant surface.
    • Clear of protruding objects.
  • Ramps

    • Maximum slope of 1:12.
    • Handrails on both sides if the rise is greater than 6 inches.
    • Edge protection and proper landings at top and bottom.
  • Doors and Entrances

    • Clear opening of at least 32 inches wide.
    • Maneuvering clearance in front of and behind doors.
    • Lever handle or other accessible hardware.

3. Building Interiors

  • Corridors and Hallways

    • Minimum width of 36 inches.
    • Free of obstacles and protruding objects.
  • Elevators

    • Door width of at least 36 inches.
    • Accessible controls at 48 inches height maximum.
    • Visual and audible floor indicators.
  • Restrooms

    • At least one accessible stall (60 inches wide and 56 inches deep for wall-mounted toilets, or 59 inches deep for floor-mounted toilets).
    • Grab bars behind and on the side wall nearest the toilet.
    • Accessible sinks with knee clearance of at least 27 inches high, 30 inches wide, and 11 to 25 inches deep.
    • Faucet controls operable with one hand and without tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist.

4. Public Telephones and Drinking Fountains

  • Telephones

    • At least one accessible public phone per floor with volume control.
    • Clear floor space of at least 30 inches by 48 inches.
  • Drinking Fountains

    • At least one accessible unit with spout height no higher than 36 inches.
    • A clear floor space of at least 30 inches by 48 inches in front of the fountain.

5. Signage and Alarms

  • Signage

    • Raised characters and Braille on room signs.
    • High-contrast and easy-to-read fonts.
    • Mounted at 48 to 60 inches above the floor.
  • Alarms

    • Both audible and visual alarms in public areas and restrooms.

6. Seating, Tables, and Counters

  • Public Seating Areas

    • At least 5% of seating must be accessible.
    • Integrated and distributed throughout the area.
  • Tables and Counters

    • Accessible tables with a knee clearance of at least 27 inches high, 30 inches wide, and 19 inches deep.
    • Service counters with a portion no higher than 36 inches.

7. Additional Considerations

  • Maintenance of Accessible Features

    • Ensure all accessible features are maintained in working order.
    • Regular inspections and prompt repairs.

8. Emergency Exits

  • Exit Routes

    • At least one accessible exit route.
    • Clearly marked and unobstructed.
    • Emergency evacuation plans that include people with disabilities.

ADA Checklist for Existing Facilities using eAuditor Audits & Inspections

ADA Checklist for Existing Facilities

How to Implement in eAuditor:

  1. Create a New Template:

    • Start by creating a new ADA Checklist template in eAuditor.
    • Organize the ADA Checklist into sections based on the categories above.
  2. Add Checklist Items:

    • Input the ADA Checklist items under each section. For each item, provide an option for compliance (e.g., Yes/No/NA).
    • Include notes, photos, or evidence where necessary.
  3. Automate Reminders and Reporting:

    • Set up regular inspections using the checklist and assign them to appropriate personnel.
    • Use eAuditor’s reporting features to generate compliance reports and track issues over time.

By organizing the checklist into sections and using eAuditor’s features for documentation, reminders, and reporting, you can maintain ADA compliance more effectively.

Checklist Completion

ADA Checklist for Existing Facilities

  • Summary Page

    • Overview of completed items.
    • Highlight of any incomplete or non-compliant items.
  • Save and Export

    • Options to save the checklist and export it as a PDF or share it via email.

Additional Features

  • Photo Capture

    Allow users to take and attach photos for specific checklist items.

  • Notes

    Option to add notes or comments for each checklist item.

  • Reminders

    Set reminders for re-evaluation or maintenance checks.


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