SQFI Primary Animal Production Checklist
The SQFI Primary Animal Production (Safe Quality Food) Checklist refers to the audit document used to assess compliance with the SQF Food Safety Code for Primary Production, specifically for animal farming and livestock operations. The checklist typically covers a range of requirements to ensure food safety, quality management, animal welfare, and regulatory compliance.
Using eAuditor Audits & Inspections (known as “eAuditor”) for SQFI Primary Animal Production checklist helps in digitizing the audit process, ensuring systematic checks, and generating real-time reports. eAuditor Audits & Inspections allows you to create customizable templates, add notes, attach photos, and flag issues as you go through the audit process.
Key Sections to Include in the SQFI Primary Animal Production Checklist Using eAuditor Audits & Inspections:
Site Details
- Farm/Facility Name
- Location
- Auditor Name
- Audit Date
Management Responsibility
- Is there a written food safety plan?
- Are food safety roles and responsibilities clearly defined?
- Is there a regular management review process?
Document Control and Records
- Are all required documents up-to-date and accessible?
- Are records maintained for traceability and compliance?
Training and Competency
- Is there a training program in place for personnel?
- Are workers trained on animal welfare, hygiene, and safety practices?
Food Safety Policy and Risk Assessment
- Does the farm have a documented food safety policy?
- Have food safety hazards been identified and risk assessments performed?
Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)
- Are GAPs for animal production documented and followed?
- How is animal feed stored and managed?
- Are there controls for the use of chemicals, veterinary drugs, and pest control products?
Animal Welfare Practices
- Are there documented procedures for animal welfare?
- Are animals housed and cared for in a way that promotes health and welfare?
Biosecurity Measures
- Are biosecurity practices documented and enforced?
- Are measures in place to control the spread of disease between animals and facilities?
- Is there a traceability system for animal feed, veterinary treatments, and production?
- Is there a recall process for animal products?
Animal Health and Veterinary Care
- Are veterinary records kept up to date?
- Are animals regularly checked for health issues?
Environmental Monitoring
- Are environmental conditions (temperature, water, cleanliness) monitored?
- Are waste management and pollution controls in place?
Hygiene and Pest Control
- Are hygiene protocols in place for workers and visitors?
- Are there pest control measures in place around the farm?
Storage and Transportation
- Are feed, chemicals, and veterinary medicines stored correctly?
- Are there proper protocols for the transportation of animals?
Incident Management
- Is there a plan for managing incidents like disease outbreaks or food safety breaches?
- Are corrective actions documented and followed up?
Audit Summary
- Summary of findings
- Corrective actions required
- Final auditor recommendation
Steps to Use eAuditor Audits & Inspections for SQFI Primary Animal Production Checklist:
- Create a Template: In eAuditor Audits & Inspections, build a SQFI Primary Animal Production checklist by adding all the required sections and fields according to the SQF code.
- Customize the Template: Tailor questions to reflect your specific farm or operation’s procedures.
- Audit Execution: Perform the audit by inputting data, attaching evidence (e.g., photos), and leaving comments directly in the app.
- Report Generation: eAuditor Audits & Inspections automatically generates reports based on the data entered, and allows you to share reports with management or the SQF certification body.
- Issue Tracking: Use eAuditor Audits & Inspections’s tracking feature to monitor non-conformances, corrective actions, and follow-up activities.
By using eAuditor Audits & Inspections for SQF Primary Animal Production, you ensure a streamlined and paperless approach, with enhanced data accessibility and management oversight.