eAuditor Audits & Inspections

Condo Maintenance Checklist

Creating a condo maintenance checklist using eAuditor Audits & Inspections is an excellent way to ensure that all necessary tasks are consistently completed to keep the property in top condition. Here’s a comprehensive template you can use:Condo Maintenance Checklist

1. General Information

  • Inspector/Maintenance Staff Name
  • Date & Time of Inspection
  • Property Address
  • Unit Number (if applicable)
  • Maintenance Type (Routine, Preventative, Emergency)

2. Exterior Maintenance

  • Building Structure
    • Inspect exterior walls for cracks, water damage, or peeling paint.
    • Check the condition of the roof (shingles, leaks, flashing).
    • Inspect gutters and downspouts for clogs or damage.
    • Examine balconies for structural integrity, and check railings.
    • Ensure proper drainage around the foundation.
  • Landscaping
    • Mow lawns and trim hedges.
    • Remove weeds from flower beds and walkways.
    • Inspect and repair irrigation systems.
    • Check trees for dead branches and trim as needed.
  • Parking Area
    • Inspect the condition of the parking lot (potholes, cracks).
    • Ensure parking lines and signage are visible and intact.
    • Check lighting for proper operation.
    • Inspect access gates or barriers for proper functionality.
  • Walkways & Driveways
    • Inspect walkways and driveways for cracks or uneven surfaces.
    • Remove debris, snow, or ice from pathways.
    • Check lighting along walkways.

3. Interior Common Areas Maintenance

  • Lobby
    • Vacuum and clean floors.
    • Dust and clean furniture and fixtures.
    • Inspect and replace light bulbs as needed.
    • Ensure entrance doors are functioning properly.
  • Hallways
    • Sweep, mop, or vacuum floors.
    • Clean and touch up walls and baseboards.
    • Inspect emergency exit signs for proper illumination.
    • Check and replace light bulbs as needed.
  • Elevators
    • Clean elevator interior (walls, floors, buttons).
    • Test for smooth operation.
    • Ensure the inspection certificate is up-to-date.
    • Check for unusual noises or malfunctions.
  • Stairwells
    • Sweep and mop stairs.
    • Check handrails for stability.
    • Ensure emergency lighting is functional.

4. Unit Interior Maintenance (if applicable)

  • HVAC Systems
    • Replace air filters.
    • Inspect vents and ducts for dust buildup.
    • Check the operation of thermostats.
    • Inspect A/C unit and heating system for leaks or noise.
  • Plumbing
    • Check sinks, toilets, and showers for leaks or blockages.
    • Test water pressure and temperature.
    • Inspect caulking around tubs and sinks.
  • Electrical
    • Test all electrical outlets and switches.
    • Replace any burnt-out light bulbs.
    • Inspect the electrical panel for signs of wear or damage.
  • Windows & Doors
    • Inspect windows for cracks or leaks.
    • Test window locks and seals.
    • Check door locks and hinges for proper operation.
  • Appliances
    • Inspect kitchen appliances for proper functionality.
    • Check the condition of the refrigerator, stove, and dishwasher.
    • Test smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

5. Safety & Security

  • Fire Safety
    • Check fire extinguishers (ensure they are accessible and inspected).
    • Test smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.
    • Inspect fire alarms and sprinkler systems for proper operation.
  • Emergency Exits
    • Ensure all emergency exits are unobstructed and clearly marked.
    • Test emergency lighting and exit signs.
  • Security Systems
    • Test the operation of security cameras and alarms.
    • Inspect access control systems (key fobs, intercoms).
    • Check door locks and security gates.

Condo Maintenance Checklist

6. Utilities Maintenance

  • Water System
    • Check water heaters for leaks or corrosion.
    • Inspect water pressure in common areas and units.
    • Test water softeners or filtration systems.
  • Electrical System
    • Inspect the main electrical panel for signs of wear.
    • Test backup generators or emergency power supplies.
    • Ensure all meters are accessible and readable.
  • Gas System
    • Inspect gas lines for leaks.
    • Test shut-off valves for proper operation.
    • Check the condition of gas meters.

7. Pest Control

  • Inspect for signs of pest activity (rodents, insects).
  • Check and refill pest traps as necessary.
  • Schedule professional pest control services if required.

8. Trash & Waste Management

  • Ensure trash and recycling bins are accessible and not overflowing.
  • Clean trash rooms and areas regularly.
  • Inspect waste disposal areas for cleanliness and order.

9. Other Maintenance Tasks

  • Pool/Hot Tub (if applicable)
    • Test water quality (pH, chlorine levels).
    • Inspect pool equipment (pumps, filters) for proper operation.
    • Clean pool and surrounding area.
  • Gym & Recreation Areas
    • Clean and sanitize equipment.
    • Inspect equipment for damage or wear.
    • Check for proper ventilation and lighting.

10. Comments/Recommendations

  • Notes on any maintenance issues observed.
  • Recommended repairs or upgrades.
  • Follow-up actions required.

11. Sign-off

  • Maintenance staff signature
  • Date of completion
  • Supervisor’s signature (if applicable)

Setting Up Condo Maintenance Checklist in eAuditor Audits & Inspections:


Condo Maintenance Checklist

  1. Create a Condo Maintenance Checklist Template or use existing Condo Maintenance Checklist: Use eAuditor Audits & Inspections’ Condo Maintenance Checklist template builder to organize the checklist categories.
  2. Add Photos: Attach photos to any issues that need to be addressed.
  3. Schedule Inspections: Set up routine maintenance schedules in eAuditor Audits & Inspections to ensure regular inspections.
  4. Automate Actions: Assign tasks to maintenance staff directly from eAuditor Audits & Inspections based on inspection results.
  5. Generate Reports: Customize report formats for easy sharing with condo management or maintenance teams.


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