eAuditor Audits & Inspections

Care Home Audit Checklist

Creating an audit checklist for care homes using eAuditor Audits & Inspections ensures that all aspects of care and safety standards are thoroughly reviewed and documented. Here is an example structure for a Care Home Audit Checklist on eAuditor Audits & Inspections. You can customize this template depending on the regulatory guidelines, policies, and standards of the care home.

Care Home Audit Checklist

1. General Information

  • Date of Audit
  • Auditor’s Name
  • Care Home Name
  • Location/Department

2. Resident Care

  • Does facility regularly review and update care plans for each resident?
  • Are residents receiving the correct prescription medications?
  • Is there evidence of proper documentation for medication administration?
  • Are there regular checks for pressure sores, and is skin care maintained?
  • Does facility provide mobility aids and in good condition?
  • Is there documentation for hydration and nutrition?
  • Are residents treated with dignity and respect?

3. Medication Management

  • Does facility store all medications properly in secure areas?
  • Does facility dispose of expired medications appropriately?
  • Is there an up-to-date record of controlled medications?
  • Are staff members trained in medication administration?
  • Does facility document and report medication errors?

4. Infection Control

  • Are there infection control policies in place and followed?
  • Does facility provide hand hygiene facilities for by staff?
  • Is personal protective equipment (PPE) used appropriately?
  • Are cleaning schedules in place for rooms and common areas?
  • Are laundry procedures adequate for infection control?

5. Environment and Facilities

  • Are rooms and common areas clean and free from hazards?
  • Is there sufficient lighting and ventilation in resident areas?
  • Are fire exits clear and accessible?
  • Does facility label emergency exits properly?
  • Is there a maintenance schedule for facility repairs?
  • Are grab rails and handrails in place?
  • Does facility  check electrical equipment and appliances regularly?

6. Health and Safety

  • Does facility display emergency procedures clearly ?
  • Does facility conduct fire drill regularly?
  • Is there a current health and safety policy available to staff?
  • Does facility inspect fire extinguishers regularly?
  • Are accident and incident logs up-to-date?
  • Are all walkways free from obstructions?

Care Home Audit Checklist

7. Staff Training and Competency

  • Are staff training records up-to-date (first aid, safeguarding, etc.)?
  • Is there sufficient staff to resident ratio for care?
  • Do staff have access to ongoing professional development opportunities?
  • Are staff aware of safeguarding procedures?
  • Does facility conduct competency assessments regularly for staff?

8. Food Safety and Nutrition

  • Are kitchen areas clean and hygienic?
  • Does facility  store food at the correct temperatures?
  • Does facility cater for dietary needs and preferences of residents?
  • Is there a menu plan available, and is it followed?
  • Does facility train staff in food safety and hygiene standards?
  • Are meal times structured, and is food served in a timely manner?

9. Security

  • Are visitor policies in place?
  • Is there controlled access to the care home (locks, visitor logs)?
  • Are surveillance systems operational?
  • Does facility secure residents’ personal belongings and valuables?

10. Documentation and Records

  • Does facility update care home policies and procedures and are they accessible to staff?
  • Does facility securely store resident records securely?
  • Is there evidence of regular internal audits and inspections?
  • Does facility document incident reports correctly and follow up?

11. Resident Feedback

  • Does facility ask residents and families regularly for feedback?
  • Is there a complaints procedure?
  • Are there regular resident meetings to discuss care and concerns?
  • Does facility record and address resident satisfaction ?

12. End of Life Care

  • Are advanced care plans documented and discussed with residents and families?
  • Is there access to palliative care when needed?
  • Are religious and cultural preferences respected and documented?
  • Are pain management and comfort measures in place?

13. Summary of Findings

  • Overall Rating of Care Home: (Satisfactory, Needs Improvement, Non-compliant)
  • Follow-up Actions Required: (List specific actions)
  • Deadline for Corrective Actions:
  • Signature of Auditor:
  • Signature of Care Home Manager:

Care Home Audit Checklist


Care Home Audit Checklist can be tailored to reflect specific legal requirements, internal policies, or areas that need more focus. When set up in eAuditor Audits & Inspections, you can configure notifications, priority levels, and automated reports to ensure the audit findings are actionable and monitored for compliance.


Using eAuditor Audits & Inspections for a Care Home Audit can streamline the inspection process and ensure that all areas of compliance are met efficiently. eAuditor Audits & Inspections is a digital platform that helps teams conduct inspections, create checklists, and track data in real-time. Here’s how you can use it effectively for a Care Home Audit:

Steps for Setting Up and Using eAuditor Audits & Inspections for a Care Home Audit:

1. Create or Customize a Care Home Audit Checklist Template

  • Start with a Template: eAuditor Audits & Inspections offers ready-made Care Home Audit Checklist templates for health and safety, care home inspections, and compliance checks.
  • Customize Your Template: Modify an existing Care Home Audit Checklist template or create a new Care Home Audit Checklist one to cover specific areas such as resident care, cleanliness, medication management, staff training, and building safety.

2. Key Areas to Include in Your Audit

  • Health & Safety Standards: Ensure that all health and safety protocols are followed, including emergency procedures, fire exits, and evacuation plans.
  • Hygiene & Cleanliness: Check that all areas, including resident rooms, communal areas, and kitchens, are clean and properly maintained.
  • Medication Management: Verify that medication storage, handling, and administration practices comply with regulations.
  • Resident Care: Assess the quality of care provided, including personalized care plans, proper nutrition, and overall resident wellbeing.
  • Staff Training & Compliance: Ensure staff have up-to-date training in areas such as first aid, safeguarding, and infection control.
  • Building Safety: Inspect the condition of the building, including electrical safety, water quality (Legionella prevention), and accessibility.

3. Conduct the Audit

  • Assign Roles: Allocate different sections of the audit to appropriate staff members.
  • Capture Evidence: Use eAuditor Audits & Inspections’s mobile app to capture photos, videos, and notes during the inspection.
  • Real-Time Data Sync: Ensure that data is synced in real-time so that management can access it immediately.

4. Review and Report

  • Generate Reports: eAuditor Audits & Inspections allows you to generate detailed reports with all audit findings, including photos and action points.
  • Set Follow-Up Actions: Assign corrective actions to staff based on the audit results and track progress within eAuditor Audits & Inspections.

5. Automated Workflow

  • Schedule Audits: Set up recurring audit schedules to ensure regular compliance.
  • Analytics Dashboard: Use eAuditor Audits & Inspections’s dashboard to track trends and ensure continuous improvement across all areas.

Benefits of Using eAuditor Audits & Inspections for Care Home Audits:

  • Efficiency: Conduct inspections faster and eliminate paperwork.
  • Accountability: Assign tasks and track completion.
  • Real-Time Insights: Make data-driven decisions based on real-time audit results.
  • Compliance: Ensure adherence to regulatory standards with tailored checklists.

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