eAuditor Audits & Inspections

Store Safety Checklist

Creating a Store Safety Checklist using eAuditor Audits & Inspections (or any safety inspection app) is a great way to ensure a structured and systematic approach to safety audits in a retail environment. Below is a sample Store Safety Checklist template you can implement in eAuditor Audits & Inspections:

Store Safety Checklist

Store Safety Checklist Template

General Information

  • Store Name: ____________________________
  • Store Location: ____________________________
  • Inspection Date: _______________
  • Inspector Name: ____________________
  • Manager On Duty: ___________________

Section 1: Store Exterior

  1. Parking Lot & Sidewalks
    • Are parking areas and sidewalks clear of debris, trash, and obstacles?
    • Is there any crack, pothole, or uneven surface that could pose a trip hazard?
    • Are all signs and lighting functioning properly? (e.g., parking lot lights)
    • Are emergency exits marked and accessible?
  2. Building Exterior
    • Are doors and windows in good working order?
    • Is the exterior of the store clean and free from graffiti or damage?
    • Are security measures (e.g., cameras, alarms) in place and functioning?

Section 2: Store Interior

  1. Entrances/Exits
    • Are entrances and exits unobstructed and easily accessible?
    • Are all doors functioning properly (e.g., automatic doors, fire exits)?
    • Is every single exit sign visible?
  2. Fire Safety
    • Are fire extinguishers available, accessible, and regularly inspected?
    • Is every single emergency exit route free from obstructions?
    • Are smoke alarms, sprinklers, and fire alarms functioning?
  3. Emergency Equipment
    • Is the first aid kit available and fully stocked?
    • Are emergency contact numbers posted?

Section 3: Sales Floor Safety

  1. Aisles and Walkways
    • Are all aisles clear of obstructions?
    • Is floor clean, dry, and free of hazards?
    • Are rugs or mats placed securely?
  2. Shelving & Displays
    • Are all shelves properly stocked and secure?
    • Are displays stable and free from tipping hazards?
    • Is there sufficient space between shelves for customer and staff movement?
  3. Lighting
    • Are all store lights functioning and providing adequate visibility?
    • Are emergency lights functioning properly?
  4. Hazardous Materials (if applicable)
    • Are hazardous materials properly labeled and stored?
    • Are spill kits readily available for immediate use?

Store Safety Checklist

Section 4: Stockroom & Storage Area

  1. Storage Practices
    • Are items stored securely and within safe stacking limits?
    • Are heavy items stored at appropriate heights?
    • Is storage of  flammable materials in accordance with regulations?
  2. Electrical Safety
    • Are electrical outlets, wires, and equipment in good working condition?
    • Are extension cords and power strips used safely and not overloaded?

Section 5: Employee Safety

  1. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
    • Are employees wearing proper PPE where required?
    • Is PPE (e.g., gloves, safety shoes) available and in good condition?
  2. Employee Training
    • Have employees received training in safety procedures and emergency protocols?
    • Are safety training records up to date?
  3. Workstation Safety
    • Are workstations ergonomically set up to prevent injury?
    • Are tools and equipment properly maintained and stored?

Section 6: COVID-19 Safety (Optional)

  1. Sanitation
    • Are sanitization stations available at entrances and key locations?
    • Is there a regular cleaning and disinfection schedule in place?
  2. Social Distancing
    • Are social distancing markers or guidelines in place?
    • Are there protective barriers (e.g., plexiglass) where appropriate?

Section 7: Other Safety Concerns

  • Are there any other safety issues observed during the inspection?
  • Additional Comments: ____________________________


  • Inspector Signature: _________________________
  • Manager Signature: _________________________

Store Safety Checklist

This checklist can be adapted to fit the specific needs of your store and its safety requirements. In eAuditor Audits & Inspections, you can configure this as a digital checklist and set automatic alerts for any failed items or corrective actions.

A Store Safety Inspection using eAuditor Audits & Inspections ensures that safety protocols are followed, hazards are identified, and compliance with regulations is maintained. Here’s how to conduct a Store Safety Inspection effectively:

1. Prepare the Safety Inspection Checklist

  • Select or Create a Template: Use a pre-existing eAuditor Audits & Inspections safety checklist template or create a customized one tailored to your store’s safety requirements.

Key Areas to Include in the Checklist:

A. General Store Safety:

B. Hazardous Materials:

C. Employee Safety:

D. Store Security:

E. Public Safety:

2. Conduct the Inspection

  • Use eAuditor Audits & Inspections to walk through the store and inspect each safety element from your checklist.
  • Take notes and photos of any safety hazards or areas that need attention.
  • Use eAuditor Audits & Inspections’s scoring system to rate compliance and document any non-conformance.

3. Report and Action Plan

  • Generate a detailed report using eAuditor Audits & Inspections, which can include:
    • Identified safety issues.
    • Recommendations for corrective actions.
    • Assigned responsibilities and deadlines for fixing problems.
  • Share the report with store management and the safety team.

4. Follow Up

  • Schedule follow-up inspections to ensure that corrective actions have been taken and that safety issues have been resolved.

This process ensures a systematic approach to maintaining a safe environment for employees and customers. Regular inspections and follow-ups will keep safety standards high and help prevent accidents.


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