eAuditor Audits & Inspections

Perform PDCA Cycle Inspection using eAuditor

The PDCA Cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act) is a four-step management method used for continuous improvement in processes, products, or services. It helps organizations achieve better quality, efficiency, and effectiveness by systematically planning, implementing, monitoring, and refining their activities.

PDCA Cycle Inspection

Using eAuditor to perform a PDCA Cycle Inspection helps ensure that each phase of the cycle (Plan, Do, Check, Act) is being executed efficiently and that continuous improvement is achieved. Here’s how you can perform the inspection:

Steps to Perform a PDCA Cycle Inspection Using eAuditor

  1. Create a PDCA Cycle Inspection Template:

    • Open eAuditor and design a custom template for PDCA Cycle inspections, including sections for each phase:
      • Plan: Review objectives, planning methods, resources, and success criteria.
      • Do: Inspect the execution of the plan to check if tasks and actions are being carried out correctly.
      • Check: Evaluate the results and compare performance with the objectives.
      • Act: Inspect corrective actions taken and whether improvements have been implemented.
  2. Checklist Components:

    • Add detailed checklist items for each phase:
      • Plan:
        • Are objectives clear and measurable?
        • Is the planning method aligned with the organization’s goals?
        • Is resources allocation efficient?
      • Do:
        • Is tasks execution according to the plan?
        • Are there any challenges or deviations from the plan?
      • Check:
        • Are the results meeting the defined objectives?
        • Is there tracking and comparison of  performance metrics?
      • Act:
        • Is there implementation of corrective actions to address issues?
        • Are improvements leading to better results?
        • Is there standardization of the successful actions for future use?
    • PDCA Cycle Inspection
  3. Conduct the Inspection:

    • Perform the inspection at each phase of the PDCA cycle using eAuditor on your mobile device or tablet.
    • Log the findings in real-time:
      • Mark each task as completed or needing attention.
      • Attach photos or documents as evidence of completed actions or areas that need improvement.
      • Add comments or notes to provide further context about issues or successes.
  4. Evaluate Performance:

    • For each checklist item, assess effective  execution of  the PDCA cycle.
    • Assign ratings or scores (e.g., green for successful, yellow for requires improvement, red for non-compliance).
  5. Generate Reports:

    • After completing the inspection, generate a detailed report that covers all phases of the PDCA cycle.
      • Include findings, photos, and ratings for each step (Plan, Do, Check, Act).
      • Highlight any issues that need immediate attention and recommend improvements.
    • Share the report with relevant stakeholders or teams for follow-up actions and decision-making.
  6. Follow-Up Actions:

    • Track corrective actions based on the Act phase, using eAuditor to assign responsibility and set deadlines for resolution.
    • Monitor ongoing performance and evaluate need for further improvements.
  7. Schedule Future Inspections:

    • Use eAuditor to schedule periodic PDCA Cycle inspections to ensure continuous improvement over time and that the cycle is consistently followed.

PDCA Cycle Inspection

Benefits of Using eAuditor for PDCA Cycle Inspections:

  • Efficiency: Capture and evaluate PDCA progress in real-time using mobile devices.
  • Accountability: Assign responsibilities, track actions, and ensure improvements are made.
  • Documentation: Attach photos and comments for detailed records and evidence of actions.
  • Compliance: Ensure every step of the PDCA cycle is properly executed and aligned with organizational goals.
  • Continuous Improvement: Regular inspections help drive ongoing improvements in processes and performance.

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