eAuditor Audits & Inspections

Forbes Standards Hotel Dining Checklist

Forbes Standards hotel dining checklist assesses quality of dining experiences, focusing on various aspects of service, food quality, & guest experience.

Forbes Standards for hotel dining are part of the Forbes Travel Guide’s comprehensive evaluation process.

Forbes Standards Hotel Dining Checklist

Pre-Arrival & Reservation

  1. Reservation Process:
    • Offer a seamless and efficient reservation process.
    • Confirm reservations via email or phone.
    • Accommodate special requests and note any dietary restrictions or special occasions.
  2. Greeting and Seating:
    • Guests should be greeted warmly within 30 seconds of arrival.
    • Reservations should be verified promptly.
    • Escort guests to their table within 1 minute of their arrival.

Ambiance & Cleanliness

  1. Entrance & Exterior:
    • Ensure the entrance and exterior are clean, well-lit, and welcoming.
    • Maintain a well-groomed, professional doorman or greeter, if applicable.
  2. Dining Room Appearance:
    • Ensure the dining area is clean and free from clutter.
    • Maintain comfortable lighting, temperature, and sound levels.
    • Ensure tables and chairs are spotless and well-maintained.
  3. Table Setting:
    • Use high-quality, clean table linens and napkins.
    • Ensure table settings are symmetrical, clean, and complete.
    • Provide polished cutlery, glassware, and chinaware.

Service Quality

  1. Staff Appearance:
    • Ensure all staff members are well-groomed and in clean, well-fitted uniforms.
    • Staff should wear name tags, if appropriate.
  2. Staff Behavior:
    • Ensure staff are courteous, professional, and knowledgeable.
    • Maintain attentive yet unobtrusive service.
    • Ensure staff can confidently answer questions about the menu, wine list, and any specials.
  3. Order Taking:
    • Staff should take orders promptly and accurately.
    • Confirm guests’ orders to avoid mistakes.
    • Be attentive to any special requests or dietary needs.
  4. Food & Beverage Delivery:
    • Ensure food and beverages are served at the appropriate temperature.
    • Present food and drinks in an appealing and appetizing manner.
    • Ensure prompt and coordinated service for all guests at the table.

Food & Beverage Quality

  1. Food Presentation:
    • Serve dishes with attention to detail and aesthetics.
    • Use garnishes appropriately to enhance visual appeal.
  2. Taste & Quality:
    • Ensure all dishes are flavorful, properly cooked, and of high quality.
    • Use fresh, high-quality ingredients.
    • Ensure consistency in taste and presentation.
  3. Beverage Service:
    • Offer a well-curated selection of wines, spirits, and non-alcoholic beverages.
    • Serve beverages at the correct temperature.
    • Provide knowledgeable recommendations and pairings.

Guest Experience

  1. Attentiveness:
    • Ensure staff are available and attentive without being intrusive.
    • Regularly refill water glasses and check on guests’ needs.
    • Address any issues or complaints promptly and professionally.
  2. Timing:
    • Maintain appropriate pacing between courses.
    • Ensure guests are not rushed or left waiting too long.
  3. Personalization:
    • Acknowledge returning guests and any special occasions.
    • Personalize service based on guest preferences and history.

Cleanliness & Maintenance

  1. Restrooms:
    • Ensure restrooms are clean, well-stocked, and regularly checked.
    • Maintain high standards of cleanliness and functionality.
  2. Dining Area:
    • Keep the dining area clean throughout service.
    • Clear tables promptly and discreetly between courses.
  3. Overall Maintenance:
    • Ensure all fixtures, fittings, and decor are in good condition.
    • Address any maintenance issues immediately.

Departure & Follow-Up

  1. Bill Presentation:
    • Present the bill promptly and discreetly.
    • Ensure accuracy of the bill and handle payments efficiently.
  2. Farewell:
    • Ensure guests are thanked and wished farewell warmly.
    • Assist with any final requests, such as calling a taxi or providing directions.
  3. Feedback:
    • Solicit guest feedback and address any concerns.
    • Follow up with guests if necessary to ensure satisfaction.

Forbes Standards Hotel Dining Checklist



Performing a Forbes Standards hotel dining inspection using eAuditor Audits & Inspections involves leveraging digital tools to streamline the evaluation process, ensure comprehensive coverage, and document findings efficiently. Here’s a step-by-step guide to conducting the inspection:

Forbes Standards Hotel Dining Checklist

1. Preparation

  1. Set Up the eAuditor Audits & Inspections App:
    • Install: Ensure the eAuditor Audits & Inspections app is installed on your device.
    • Configure: Set up the eAuditor Audits & Inspections with Forbes Standards Hotel Dining, including relevant checklist items.
  2. Customize the Forbes Standards Hotel Dining Checklist:
    • Tailor: Adjust the Forbes Standards Hotel Dining checklist in the eAuditor Audits & Inspections app to reflect the specific Forbes Standards you need to evaluate.
  3. Gather Equipment:
    • Mobile Device: Ensure your device is fully charged and operational.
    • Additional Tools: Prepare any extra tools needed (e.g., camera, thermometer) if required for the inspection.

2. Conduct the Inspection

  1. Log In:
    • Open the eAuditor Audits & Inspections app and log in with your credentials.
  2. Select Inspection Type:
    • Choose the type of inspection (e.g., routine, surprise) and specify the hotel dining venue.
  3. Start Inspection:
    • Begin the inspection process by navigating to the Forbes Standards checklist in the app.

3. Complete the Forbes Standards Hotel Dining Checklist

A. Ambiance

  1. Setting:
    • Inspect Atmosphere: Check the overall ambiance of the dining area (lighting, decor, furnishings).
    • Document: Take photos and make notes on the app about the atmosphere and comfort level.
  2. Cleanliness:
    • Inspect Tables and Floors: Ensure tables, floors, and surfaces are clean and well-maintained.
    • Restrooms: Verify that restrooms are clean and stocked.
    • Record: Document cleanliness issues and provide photos if applicable.

B. Service

  1. Professionalism:
    • Assess Attentiveness: Observe staff behavior for attentiveness and responsiveness.
    • Check Knowledge: Ensure staff have thorough knowledge of the menu.
    • Document: Record observations about service quality and staff professionalism.
  2. Personalization:
    • Review Interaction: Assess how staff interact with guests and personalize service.
    • Note: Document any personalized service elements and staff interactions.
  3. Efficiency:
    • Timing: Observe the timing of service and meal delivery.
    • Record: Document any issues related to timing and efficiency.

C. Food Quality

  1. Preparation:
    • Inspect Dishes: Check the preparation of dishes for seasoning, temperature, and presentation.
    • Consistency: Ensure food quality is consistent with Forbes standards.
    • Record: Take notes and photos of food quality and presentation.
  2. Ingredients:
    • Check Freshness: Verify the freshness of ingredients used in the dishes.
    • Document: Record observations about ingredient quality.
  3. Menu Variety:
    • Review Menu: Assess the variety of menu options and notable specialties.
    • Record: Document any notable dishes and menu variety.

D. Presentation

  1. Plating:
    • Inspect Aesthetics: Review the plating of dishes for visual appeal.
    • Portion Size: Check portion sizes and appropriateness.
    • Document: Take photos and make notes on dish presentation.
  2. Menu Design:
    • Review Menu: Check the clarity and design of the menu.
    • Specials: Ensure specials are highlighted effectively.
    • Record: Document observations about menu design and clarity.

E. Beverage Service

  1. Selection:
    • Assess Variety: Review the selection of beverages available.
    • Pairing: Check if beverage options complement the menu.
    • Document: Record observations about beverage selection and pairing.
  2. Service:
    • Check Knowledge: Ensure staff have knowledge of the beverage menu.
    • Review Presentation: Observe the presentation of beverages.
    • Record: Document any issues with beverage service.

F. Overall Experience

  1. Guest Satisfaction:
    • Assess Feedback: Gather and review guest feedback about their dining experience.
    • Consistency: Ensure consistency in delivering a high-quality dining experience.
    • Document: Record overall guest satisfaction and any feedback received.
  2. Value:
    • Review Value: Assess the perceived value for the price paid.
    • Document: Note observations about value and pricing.

4. Finalize the Inspection

  1. Review Data:
    • Verify Entries: Review all data entered into the app for completeness and accuracy.
  2. Generate Report:
    • Create Report: Use the app to generate a detailed inspection report, including observations, non-compliances, and recommendations.
  3. Submit Report:
    • Send Report: Submit the report through the app to relevant stakeholders or a central database.
  4. Discuss Findings:
    • Meeting: Discuss findings with management and agree on necessary corrective actions.

5. Follow-Up

  1. Monitor Corrective Actions:
    • Track Progress: Use the eAuditor Audits & Inspections app to monitor the progress of corrective actions and improvements.
  2. Schedule Re-Inspection:
    • Plan Follow-Up: Schedule follow-up Forbes Standards Hotel Dining inspections to ensure that corrective actions have been implemented effectively.
  3. Provide Feedback:
    • Share Insights: Offer feedback and additional training if needed to address specific issues.

Using eAuditor Audits & Inspections for conducting a Forbes Standards Hotel Dining inspection helps ensure a structured and thorough evaluation process, improves documentation efficiency, and facilitates ongoing improvements in hotel dining experiences.


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