eAuditor Audits & Inspections

Multi-Story Car Park Audit

Conducting a multi-story car park audit ensures safety, security, and optimal functionality. This comprehensive guide outlines the key steps and areas.

Multi-Story Car Park Audit

1. General Safety

  • Emergency Exits:
    • Emergency exits clearly marked.
    • Pathways to exits unobstructed.
    • Exit doors functioning properly.
  • Fire Safety:
    • Fire extinguishers accessible and inspected.
    • Fire alarm system operational.
    • Fire hoses and reels in good condition.
  • Lighting:
    • Adequate lighting in all areas (daytime and nighttime check).
    • Emergency lighting operational.
    • Light fixtures clean and free of damage.

2. Structural Integrity

  • Floors and Surfaces:
    • Check for cracks or damage in the concrete.
    • No significant water pooling or leaks.
    • Anti-slip surfaces in good condition.
  • Ceilings and Beams:
    • No visible damage or deterioration.
    • Adequate clearance for vehicles.
  • Walls:
    • Walls free of graffiti and significant damage.
    • Expansion joints in good condition.

3. Signage and Markings

  • Directional Signage:
    • Clear and visible directional signs.
    • Exit routes clearly marked.
  • Parking Bay Markings:
    • Parking bay lines clearly visible.
    • No faded or missing markings.
  • Accessibility:
    • Handicap spaces properly marked and accessible.
    • Ramps and pathways compliant with regulations.

4. Security

  • CCTV:
    • Cameras operational and covering all critical areas.
    • Footage recording properly.
  • Security Patrols:
    • Regular security patrols conducted.
    • Incident log maintained.
  • Access Control:
    • Gates and barriers functioning properly.
    • Ticket machines operational.

5. Cleanliness and Maintenance

  • General Cleanliness:
    • No litter or debris present.
    • Waste bins available and regularly emptied.
  • Vandalism and Graffiti:
    • No signs of vandalism or graffiti.
    • Any graffiti promptly removed.
  • Ventilation:
    • Adequate ventilation in enclosed areas.
    • Ventilation fans operational.

6. Accessibility

  • Elevators:
    • Elevators operational and clean.
    • Elevator inspection certificates up-to-date.
  • Stairwells:
    • Stairwells clean and well-lit.
    • Handrails secure and in good condition.

7. Drainage

  • Drainage Systems:
    • Drains and gutters free of obstructions.
    • No standing water on parking surfaces.

8. Additional Checks

  • Customer Service:
    • Customer service points manned and operational.
    • Clear information available for customers.
  • Operational Efficiency:
    • Entry and exit points operating smoothly.
    • Signage for rate and time limits visible.

Multi-Story Car Park Audit Using eAuditor Audits & Inspections

Using a mobile eAuditor Audits & Inspections for this checklist can help in:

  • Real-time Data Entry: Immediate input of findings and conditions.
  • Photo Documentation: Attach photos of any issues or areas of concern.
  • Tracking and Reporting: Easily track audit history and generate reports.
  • Follow-up Actions: Assign and monitor corrective actions directly from the eAuditor Audits & Inspections.

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