eAuditor Audits & Inspections

USDA GMP Checklist – Agriculture Department

A Good Manufacturing Practices USDA GMP Checklist for the Agriculture Department ensures that agricultural operations meet food safety standards, particularly for handling, processing, and storing agricultural products. eAuditor Audits & Inspections, a digital inspection tool, can help streamline the audit process, allowing for real-time data collection and reporting.

USDA GMP Checklist

Here’s an example of a USDA GMP Checklist for the Agriculture Department that can be used in eAuditor Audits & Inspections.

Key Sections of the GMP Checklist:

  1. General Information

    • Facility Name
    • Location
    • Audit Date
    • Auditor Name
    • Audit Scope (processing, handling, packaging, etc.)
  2. Personnel Practices and Hygiene

    • Are employees trained in food safety and GMPs?
    • Is personal hygiene policy followed (e.g., clean clothing, hair nets, gloves)?
    • Are hand-washing stations available and accessible?
    • Are employees aware of cross-contamination risks?
  3. Facility Cleanliness and Sanitation

    • Are facilities clean and well-maintained?
    • Are cleaning schedules followed for processing areas, equipment, and storage?
    • Has proper cleaning and sanitation records been maintained?
    • Are cleaning chemicals stored and used appropriately?
  4. Pest Control

    • Is there a pest control program in place?
    • Are traps and monitoring systems properly maintained?
    • Are records kept for pest control inspections and treatments?
  5. Storage and Handling of Agricultural Products

    • Are products stored at the correct temperature and humidity?
    • Are storage areas clean, dry, and free from contaminants?
    • Has perishable items properly been labeled and rotated (first in, first out)?
    • Are raw materials stored separately from finished goods?
  6. Equipment Maintenance and Sanitation

    • Is equipment regularly cleaned and sanitized?
    • Are maintenance logs kept for all equipment?
    • Are food contact surfaces made of approved materials (e.g., stainless steel)?
    • Is equipment inspected for wear and tear, damage, or contamination risks?
  7. Water Quality and Usage

    • Is the water supply regularly tested for quality (e.g., potable water used for cleaning)?
    • Is there a backflow prevention system in place?
    • Are water sources protected from contamination?
  8. Waste Management

    • Are waste and recyclables properly segregated and stored?
    • Are waste disposal areas clean and organized?
    • Have waste containers been properly labeled and regularly emptied?
  9. Chemical Handling and Storage

    • Are chemicals used for cleaning and sanitizing properly labeled and stored?
    • Is Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) available for all chemicals?
    • Are employees trained in safe handling and disposal of chemicals?
  10. Product Traceability and Recall

    • Is there a system in place to trace products from origin to distribution?
    • Are recall procedures documented and tested regularly?
    • Are batch numbers, lot codes, or other identifiers used?
  11. Allergen Control

    • Is there a program in place to prevent cross-contamination with allergens?
    • Are allergenic ingredients stored separately?
    • Are allergen control procedures in place during processing and packaging?
  12. Labeling and Packaging

    • Are packaging materials appropriate for the products?
    • Is packaging free from contamination?
    • Are labels accurate and compliant with USDA requirements (e.g., ingredients, allergens, lot codes)?
  13. Transportation Practices

    • Are vehicles used for transporting agricultural products clean and suitable?
    • Has transportation conditions (temperature, humidity) monitored?
    • Are loading and unloading procedures documented?
  14. Record Keeping and Documentation

    • Are all records maintained according to USDA regulations (e.g., employee training, sanitation logs, inspections)?
    • Are records easily accessible for review during audits?
    • Have corrective actions been documented and verified?
  15. Audit Summary

    • Summary of non-conformances identified
    • Corrective action plan
    • Date for follow-up inspection
    • Auditor’s final remarks and recommendationsUSDA GMP Checklist

How to Implement the GMP Checklist in eAuditor Audits & Inspections:

USDA GMP Checklist

  1. Create a Template: In eAuditor Audits & Inspections, build a custom checklist template based on the USDA’s GMP requirements for your facility.

  2. Customize Fields: Modify the template as needed to match your facility’s specific processes and operations.

  3. Use the Checklist for Audits: Conduct audits in real-time, inputting responses directly into eAuditor Audits & Inspections. You can also upload photos, add comments, and flag issues for follow-up.

  4. Automate Reports: eAuditor Audits & Inspections will generate detailed reports, which you can share with management and USDA inspectors.

  5. Track Corrective Actions: Use eAuditor Audits & Inspections’ issue tracking feature to monitor the status of non-conformances and corrective actions.

By using eAuditor Audits & Inspections, the GMP Checklist for the Agriculture Department can be automated, providing a consistent and thorough inspection process to comply with USDA regulations and ensure food safety.



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