eAuditor Audits & Inspections

Sauna Checklist

To create a Sauna Checklist using eAuditor Audits & Inspections, the goal is to ensure cleanliness, safety, and functionality. Here’s a detailed checklist template that can be customized for your specific sauna maintenance and inspection needs.

Sauna Checklist

Sauna Checklist Template

Section 1: General Cleanliness

  1. Sauna Benches
    • Are benches clean and free of stains or dirt?
    • Are benches free of damage (cracks, splinters, etc.)?


  2. Floor Cleanliness
    • Is the floor free from dirt, debris, and excess water?
    • Are the floor mats (if any) clean and in good condition?


  3. Walls and Ceiling
    • Are walls and ceiling free of stains, mold, or damage?
    • Is the wood in good condition (free of warping or cracks)?


  4. Sauna Heater Cleanliness
    • Is the sauna heater free of dust, debris, or obstructions?
    • Are the rocks clean and evenly distributed?


Section 2: Safety Measures

  1. Temperature Control
    • Is the temperature within the recommended range (usually between 150°F and 195°F)?
    • Is the thermometer functioning properly and easily visible?


  2. Ventilation
    • Is the ventilation system working properly?
    • Is the sauna properly ventilated to avoid excessive heat buildup?


  3. Emergency Exits
    • Are the emergency exit routes clearly marked?
    • Is the door easily operable from the inside?


  4. Electrical System Check
    • Are all electrical components in good working condition?
    • Are there any exposed or damaged wires?


Section 3: Sauna Heater Maintenance

  1. Heater Condition
    • Is the sauna heater functioning properly?
    • Is the heater free of any visible damage or corrosion?


  2. Heater Stones
    • Are stones in good condition (free of cracks)?
    • Is the correct type of stone being used for the heater?


  3. Control Panel Functionality
    • Are temperature settings adjustable and accurate?
    • Are control buttons and switches responsive?


Section 4: Water Supply & Humidity Control

  1. Water Bucket and Ladle
    • Is the water bucket clean and free from mold or mildew?
    • Is the ladle in good condition?


  2. Water Supply
    • Is the water supply for steam sufficient and clean?
    • Is the water used in the sauna free from contamination?


  3. Steam Control
    • Is the steam functioning as expected when water is added to the heater?
    • Is there an even distribution of steam in the sauna?


Section 5: Safety Signage and Guidelines

  1. Signage
    • Are safety instructions clearly posted inside and outside the sauna?
    • Are guidelines for temperature and recommended usage visible?


  2. Health and Safety Warnings
    • Are warnings about usage for those with health conditions posted?
    • Are instructions for safe usage durations posted (e.g., max 15-20 minutes)?


Sauna Checklist

Section 6: User Amenities

  1. Towels and Linen
    • Are clean towels readily available for sauna users?
    • Are used towels collected and removed regularly?


  2. Water Access
    • Is there easy access to drinking water near the sauna?
    • Are cups or bottles provided for hydration?


Section 7: Pest and Mold Control

  1. Mold Inspection
    • Are there any visible signs of mold or mildew in the sauna?
    • Are there any strong, musty odors indicating potential mold growth?


  2. Pest Control
    • Are there any signs of pest activity (rodents, insects, etc.) in or around the sauna?
    • Are pest control measures in place?


Section 8: Sauna Accessories

  1. Lighting
    • Are lights functioning properly and providing adequate illumination?
    • Are light fixtures free of dust, dirt, or damage?


  2. Timers
    • Are timers available and functioning correctly?
    • Are timers visible and easy to use by guests?


Section 9: Inspection Completion

  1. Inspector Name: (Text Input)
  2. Date of Inspection: (Date Selection)
  3. Overall Area Rating:
    • Excellent | Good | Needs Improvement

How to Set Up Sauna Checklist in eAuditor Audits & Inspections:

Sauna Checklist

  1. Create a New Template: Begin by creating a new Sauna Checklist or use existing Sauna Checklist template in eAuditor Audits & Inspections.
  2. Organize Sections: Use sections to categorize the checklist (General Cleanliness, Safety Measures, Heater Maintenance, etc.).
  3. Pass/Fail/NA Options: For each item in the checklist, include options like Pass, Fail, and Not Applicable.
  4. Comments and Photos: Add fields for comments and attach photos for documentation of issues.
  5. Automated Reporting: Set up automatic reporting, so reports are sent via email after the inspection is completed.

This template ensures all key aspects of the sauna are covered, ensuring cleanliness, safety, and optimal performance for users. It can be customized based on your specific sauna setup and facility needs.


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