eAuditor Audits & Inspections

Legionella Checks

Legionella checks are an important part of maintaining water systems in compliance with safety regulations to prevent Legionnaires’ disease, which can occur if Legionella bacteria grow in water systems. Using eAuditor Audits & Inspections for Legionella checks is an efficient way to ensure that water systems are inspected regularly, potential risks are identified, and corrective actions are taken. Here’s how you can conduct Legionella checks using eAuditor Audits & Inspections:

Legionella Checks

1. Design a Legionella Checklist Template:

The checklist should be based on relevant regulatory guidelines, like those from the CDC, WHO, or local health authorities. This checklist should include all the critical areas for water system monitoring.

Key Sections for a Legionella Checklist:

  • Water Temperature Monitoring:
    • Ensure that cold water is kept below 20°C (68°F).
    • Hot water should be stored at a minimum of 60°C (140°F) and circulated at 50°C (122°F) or above.
  • Water Testing and Sampling:
    • Identify points for regular water sampling (e.g., cooling towers, faucets, showers, storage tanks).
    • Collect samples for Legionella testing, if required.
  • Inspection of Water Systems:
    • Inspect hot water systems, cold water systems, and any associated tanks.
    • Ensure that all equipment is clean and free of scale or corrosion.
  • Cleaning and Disinfection Protocols:
    • Review records of water system cleaning and disinfection (e.g., tanks, cooling towers, showerheads).
    • Verify that chlorination and other disinfection processes are in place and documented.
  • Maintenance Records:
    • Check maintenance records for water heaters, cooling towers, or other high-risk equipment.
    • Record any system flushes or temperature adjustments that have been conducted.
  • Risk Management Plan:
    • Confirm the existence of a written Legionella risk assessment and management plan.
    • Document any changes or updates to the plan.
  • Corrective Actions and Notes:
    • Flag any issues and assign corrective actions to the responsible personnel.
    • Attach photos, notes, and evidence of any identified problems.

2. Configure Automated Alerts & Scheduling:

  • Set Up Inspection Schedules: Ensure regular checks by scheduling Legionella inspections weekly, monthly, or as required.
  • Automatic Notifications: Use eAuditor Audits & Inspections’s alert feature to send automatic reminders to staff when a Legionella check is due.
  • Track Compliance: Use the system to track whether scheduled checks have been completed on time and monitor any delays in corrective actions.

3. Conduct the Legionella Checks:

  • Use Mobile Devices: Auditors or staff can use mobile phones or tablets to complete Legionella checks in real-time.
  • Document Results: Record temperatures, conditions of water systems, and results of any sampling directly into the app.
  • Attach Photos and Comments: Take photos of water systems, attach them to specific checklist items, and provide notes on any observations.

4. Real-Time Data and Reporting:

  • Automated Report Generation: eAuditor Audits & Inspections automatically generates detailed reports upon completing each Legionella check, highlighting compliance or issues.
  • Historical Data & Trends: Keep track of historical inspection data to identify patterns in temperature or system conditions over time.
  • Custom Reports: Customize reports to highlight key findings and areas of concern, then share with management or relevant stakeholders.

5. Assign Corrective Actions and Track Completion:

  • Create Actionable Tasks: If any issues are flagged during the check (e.g., temperatures outside of safe ranges, evidence of stagnation, or poor system cleanliness), assign corrective actions directly in eAuditor Audits & Inspections to the relevant team members.
  • Monitor Completion: Use eAuditor Audits & Inspections to track the completion of these corrective actions, ensuring that nothing slips through the cracks.

6. Ensure Compliance with Regulations:

  • Auditable Records: Keep an auditable record of all Legionella checks, tests, and corrective actions, which can be easily shared with regulators, health authorities, or insurance providers.
  • Regular Audits: Use the platform to schedule regular audits to ensure ongoing compliance with Legionella control requirements.

Legionella Checks

Example eAuditor Audits & Inspections Checklist for Legionella Checks:

1. Water Temperature Monitoring

  • Hot water temp: ___ °C
  • Cold water temp: ___ °C
  • Is temperature within the safe range? Yes/No

2. Water System Condition

  • Are tanks clean and free of biofilm or scale? Yes/No
  • Is the system free from leaks or corrosion? Yes/No

3. Sampling and Testing

  • Was a Legionella test conducted at this site? Yes/No
  • Results of test: [Positive/Negative]

4. Cleaning and Maintenance

  • Date of last system flush: ___
  • Date of last chlorination: ___

5. Corrective Actions

  • Action required? Yes/No
  • Description of issue: ___
  • Assigned to: ___
  • Due date: ___

Legionella Checks

By using eAuditor Audits & Inspections for Legionella checks, you’ll create a streamlined, data-driven process that ensures the safety of your water systems and compliance with health standards. Would you like help customizing or creating a specific template for your Legionella checklists in eAuditor Audits & Inspections?


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